by air和by plane的区别是什么?


首先我们来看下by air、by plane的大致意思

by air:词性为短语,“by air”是一个固定的短语,用于表示通过飞机来进行旅行或运输。其中“by”是介词,表示通过某种交通方式进行行程。

by plane:词性为短语,“by plane”是一个固定的短语,意思与“by air”相同,用于表示通过飞机来进行旅行或运输。

通过下面的表格我们了解下by air、by plane的含义、发音和用法


🚀🚀🚀by air:

I plan to go to Beijing by air tomorrow.


He enjoys traveling by air because it allows him to reach the destination faster.


This company mainly transports goods by air.


👆👆👆注意事项:在口语中,常用缩写形式“by plane”来代替“by air”。

🚀🚀🚀by plane:

We will go to London by plane.


He plans to attend the conference by plane next week.


As the boats cannot reach, we have to access that remote island by plane.


👆👆👆注意事项:在口语中,常用缩写形式“by plane”来代替“by air”。
