rates口语里啥意思经常看到 ask for rates什么的 还有af啥多简写?


rate rate[rєt;
rєit]名词1 (C)a. 比率,率,比例[of]at the ~ of… 按…的比例birth ~出生率the ~ of discount折扣率b. 行情,行市,市价,时价the ~ of exchange兑换率2 (C) (按一定收费标准的) 费用,ä»·æ ¼hotel ~s旅馆费用postal [railroad] ~s邮资 [铁路运费]give special ~s予以特价优待at a high [low] ~以高 [廉] ä»·3 (C)速度,进度at a great ~以高速walk at a leisurely ~以悠闲的步伐走at the [a] ~ of 40 miles an hour以每小时四十哩的速度4 (C)[常 ~s] (房屋、店铺等之所有人所缴纳的) 税; (英)地方税 ((美)local
taxes)~s and taxes地方税及国税pay the ~s缴纳地方税5(U) 等级; (…) 等→ first-rate,second-rate.at an easy rate(1) 以廉价(2) 不费力地,轻易地at any rate(1) 无论如何(2) 至少You didn't do the test very well, but at any ~
you passed.你考得并不很好,但至少及格了at that[this]rate若照那种[这种]情形; 如果那样[这样]的话及物动词1a. 估价 [评价] …[at]It is difficult to ~ a man at his true
value.要评估一个人的真正价值是困难的The house may be ~d at.. 100, 000.那房屋可以估价为十万美元b. ä¼°ä»·,评价I don't ~ his merits very high [highly].我对他的功劳评价不很高(我认为他的功劳并不很大)2a. 将…视为[认为]…He ~s his abilities (as) superior to ours.他认为他的才干胜过我们b. 将…视为 […中的一人] ,认为 [among,with]Do you ~ him among your benefactors?.你当他是你恩人之一吗?3 (英) (为了课税而) 将<房屋等>ä¼°ä»· [为某一金额] [at]His house was ~d at one million.他的房屋被估价为一百万英镑4 (美口语)值得…,有…的价值~ special treatment应享受特别待遇 [值得特别照顾或对待]不及物动词被估计,被评价<为…>; 位列<于…>The ship ~s as first [~s A 1].这艘船列入第一级Japan ~s high in the automobile industry.日本在汽车工业上占有很高的地位 [享有盛誉]rate[rєt;