


/ kənˈsɜːn; kənˋsən/ v

[Tn] (a) be the business of (sb); be important to;
affect 是(某人)的事; 对...有重要性; 影响: Don't interfere in what
doesn't concern you. 别管与自己无关的事. * The loss was a
tragedy for all concerned, ie all those affected by it.
那损失对一切有关的人来说都是极为痛心的. * Where the children are
concerned..., ie In matters where one must think of them...
关系到孩子们的问题... * To whom it may concern..., eg at
the beginning of a public notice or a testimonial of sb's character, ability,
etc 敬启者...(b) be about (sth); have as a subject 关於(某事物); 作为议题: a report that concerns drug abuse 关於滥用毒品的报告.
[] ~ oneself with/in/about sth be busy with sth;
interest oneself in sth 忙於(某事); 关心(某事): There's no need to
concern yourself with this matter; we're dealing with it. 你不用管这事了,
[Tn] worry (sb); trouble; bother 使(某人)担忧; 使烦恼; 打扰: Our losses are beginning to concern me. 我们的损失使我担起心来.

(idm 习语) as/so far as sb/sth is concerned => far2.
be concerned in sth have some connection with or responsibility for sth
与某事有牵连或对某事负有责任: He was concerned in the crime.
他与那起罪案有牵连. be concerned to do sth have it as one's business to
do sth 把做某事视为自己的事. be concerned with sth be about sth 与某事物有关; 涉及某事物:
Her latest documentary is concerned with youth unemployment.
> concerned adj ~ (about/for sth/that...) worried; troubled
担心的; 烦恼的; 忧虑的: Concerned parents held a meeting.
忧心忡忡的家长们开了一次会. * We're all concerned for her
safety. 我们都为她的安全担忧. * I'm concerned that they may
have got lost. 我担心他们可能迷路了. concernedly / -ˈsɜːnɪdlɪ; -ˋsənɪdlɪ/
concerning prep about (sb/sth) 关於(某人[某事物]): a letter concerning your complaint


/ kənˈsɜːn; kənˋsən/ n

(a) [U] ~ (for/about/over sth/sb); ~
(that...) worry; anxiety 担心; 忧虑; 焦虑; 焦急: There is no
cause for concern. 不必发愁. * There is now
considerable concern for their safety. 现在对他们的安全相当担心. * public concern about corruption 公众对於腐败现象的忧虑 * There is growing concern that they may have been killed.
现在越来越担心他们可能已遭杀害. (b) [C] cause of anxiety 焦虑的原因: Our main concern is that they are not receiving enough help.
[C] thing that is important or interesting to sb
对某人来说是重要的或感兴趣的事物: What are your main concerns as a writer?
你身为作家, 对什麽最感兴趣? * It's no concern of
mine, ie I am not involved in it or I have no responsibility for it.
这事与我无关. * What concern is it of yours? ie Why do
you take an interest in it or interfere with it? 那与你有什麽关系?
[C] company; business 企业; 公司; 商行: a huge
industrial concern 巨大的工业企业 * Our little corner
shop is no longer a paying concern, ie is no longer profitable.
[C] ~ (in sth) share 股份: He has a
concern in (ie is a part-owner of) the business.
(idm 习语) a going concern => going.
第1个回答  2015-10-21