
这是我自己的感想,比较了与父母同住的的优和劣。 好处 1、省钱。父母不会计较他们都付出了多少啊。 2、省心。家里的事他们操的心最重。父母在家,出门不用带钥匙。 3、省力。买煤气有人送,买纯净水有人送。把衣服给洗了,饭给做了。
4、有安全感。和父母在一起,永远都是长不大的孩子。他们是孩子的保护神。 5、互相照应。年轻人工作忙,家是温馨的后方;父母有病,可以得到孩子的照顾。 坏处 1、没有自由空间。年轻人爱热闹,却要在父母那里循规蹈矩。 2、经济上说不清。碰上大家庭,和父母住会引来不必要的麻烦。都认为你沾光了。 3、不独立。都成年了,还和父母住在一起,不利于小家庭在社会中成熟,来应变各种生活难题。 我感到在这个世界上最亲的人就是自己的父母了,但是不管选择哪种方式,都应该记住:要尊重和关心父母。

This is my own feelings, compared to live with their parents of the gifted and the poor. The benefits of 1, to save money. Parents do not mind how much they pay ah. 2, worry. Do they speak at home most of the heart. Parents at home, do not take the key out. 3, and effort. It was sent to buy gas, to send someone to buy purified water. To wash their clothes, and food to do so.
4, a sense of security. And parents with children will always grow up. They are the child's guardian angel. 5, to look after each other. Young people busy with work, home is the warmth of the rear; parents of ill children can be cared for. Disadvantages 1, there is no free space. Lively young people love it, I have to behave in the parents. 2, can not be clearly economically. Hit the extended family, and parents are bound to live in unnecessary troubles. Think you have a dipping. 3, is not independent. All adults, and also live with their parents is not conducive to small families in society mature response to a variety of life challenges. I am in this world is the most pro-people their parents, but in what way is chosen, should keep in mind: to respect and care for their parents.