英语作文, 假如你是初三学生,你们班里有许多学生经常为上网娱乐的事情跟家长闹意见。家长认为上网浪费

英语作文, 假如你是初三学生,你们班里有许多学生经常为上网娱乐的事情跟家长闹意见。家长认为上网浪费时间,影响孩子学习和视力,学生认为可以放松自己,增长知识。你建议家长和学生应达成共识,平时选择适当放松,但不准上网,在周末可以浏览新闻、音乐、体育或科普类等信息。为此你要召开学生和家长座谈会,请你根据提示和要求写一篇英语发言稿。 提示:(1)What do parents and kids think of surfing the Internet? (2)What's your idea about surfing the Internet? (3)How should students choose right ways to relax themselves after school? (词数60~80)

Good morning, everyone:
I am Tianqi in class 8, grade 3. Everybody knows that the network technology has been developed rapidly nowadays. Advanced network is bound to bring more advanced and more exciting online entertainments, including kinds of online games which lead to some contradictions between parents and children.
Lots of parents think that surfing the internet is not only a waste of time, but also affect children’s studying and vision. However, the students think that surfing the internet can relax them from study-work and increase their knowledge.
In my opinion, surfing online has both benefits and harms. It depends on the way of using the network resources. Here, I suggest:
First, students can select the appropriate relaxations on working days, but are not allowed to surf online. We may (这里写一些自己喜欢的活动,像下下象棋,看看名著啥的).Second, we can browse news, music, sports or science and other information on weekends. No matter what time, play online games as little as possible. In short, learn hard and up every day.
That’s all. Thank you.追问

