go shopping的意思是不是就是去购物啊?


这道题我会,我可以帮忙解答哦😁,先给大家总结一下 go to shop 和go shopping 的区别:

    "Go to shop" 意味着去特定的商店购物;"go shopping" 则表示进行购物活动,强调购物这个行为本身,而不特指去哪家商店。具体使用要根据语境和表达意图来选择合适的表达方式。

在通过一个表格来了解一下 go to shop 和go shopping 吧😎:

欧克,最后再来一波 go to shop 和go shopping 的具体区别🤞:


- "go to shop" 是指去某个特定的商店购物,强调目的地是具体的商店。

- "go shopping" 是指进行购物活动,强调购物本身的行为。

1. "go to shop" 的例子:

a) I need to go to the supermarket to buy some groceries. (我需要去超市买一些杂货。)

b) She went to the boutique to purchase a new dress. (她去精品店购买一条新裙子。)

2. "go shopping" 的例子:

a) They decided to go shopping at the mall on the weekend. (他们决定在周末去商场购物。)

b) We often go shopping together for clothes and accessories. (我们经常一起去购买衣服和配饰。)


- "go to shop" 通常强调前往某个具体商店或地点,目的明确。

- "go shopping" 则强调购物这一活动本身,可能会涵盖在多个商店或地点进行。

1. "go to shop" 的例子:

a) He went to the electronics store to look for a new phone. (他去电子商店看新手机。)

b) They went to the department store to buy some household items. (他们去百货商店买些家居用品。)

2. "go shopping" 的例子:

a) Every weekend, they go shopping for groceries and household supplies. (每个周末,他们去购买杂货和家居用品。)

b) She enjoys going shopping with her friends to explore new fashion trends. (她喜欢和朋友们一起去购物,探索新的时尚趋势。)


- "go to shop" 常用于特定的购物任务,如买特定的商品或处理特定的事项。

- "go shopping" 用于更广泛的购物活动,强调一般的购物行为。

1. "go to shop" 的例子:

a) They went to shop for furniture for their new apartment. (他们去购买他们新公寓的家具。)

b) She needs to go to the pharmacy to buy some medicine. (她需要去药店买些药品。)

2. "go shopping" 的例子:

a) On weekends, they often go shopping for clothes, shoes, and accessories. (周末时,他们经常购买衣服、鞋子和配饰。)

b) He went shopping at the mall and bought a few new books. (他在商场购物,买了几本新书。)


- "go to shop" 通常用于描述短暂的购物行为,可能只涉及一个商店或目标明确。

- "go shopping" 常用于描述较长时间的购物行为,可能涉及多个商店或更为随意。

1. "go to shop" 的例子:

a) I need to go to the grocery store to buy some milk and eggs. (我需要去杂货店买些牛奶和鸡蛋。)

b) He went to the hardware store to get some tools for the DIY project. (他去五金店买些DIY项目需要的工具。)

2. "go shopping" 的例子:

a) They spent the whole afternoon going shopping for new clothes and accessories. (他们花了整个下午去购买新衣服和配饰。)

b) We decided to go shopping for souvenirs at the local market. (我们决定去当地市场购买纪念品。)
