
I’m looking forward to another visit in the near future for a longer stay.
<!--18602366|280328|Villa Voyta Hotel-->Very quiet location
This is a very nice hotel situated in a very quiet residential area. I stayed here whilst on business - my office in Praque is only 15 minutes walk from Villa.

The hotel is pleasantly decorated and I was welcomed to the hotel by a charming receptionist. Check in and check out were very efficient.

The room was nicely decorated and very clean but also very warm (no air conditioning). I left the window open but was unable to cool the room to a comfortable temparature but this is not uncommon in Prague at this time of year in smaller hotels.

I took dinner in the hotel resturant and had an excellent but filling goats cheese starter. The veal that I choose for the main course was average and a little bit disappointing but maybe my expectations had been raised by the starter!! The service was faultless and friendly. Unfortunately, I was the only one in the resturant and because of this I felt the resuturant lacked atmosphere.

The hotel is a 30 inute taxi ride from the airport and this cost CZ 700 - 800.

All in all a very comfortable hotel but keep in mind that this is not within walking distrance of the old town but it does seem to be reasonable connected to public transport systems.
<!--27299951|595219|Hostal Abrevadero-->Extremely Basic, Does what it says on the tin. Good Basic Hostal
We stayed at this Hostal in late March with 25 school pupils. The rooms were very clean, but very basic. Don't expect any frills - there arent any. The hostal is around 20 mins from La Rambla in a very direct route. Facilities are extremely limited and on talking to the owners they made it very clear that there focus was on groups rather than individuals so expect there to be some noise, although it is mostly quiet after 11pm. Having said that the rooms with a balcony leading onto the streets did report some noise from the locals. The owners and reception staff could not have been more helpful, they were extremely friendly to our pupils and helped them to speak spanish whenever they could. The hotel is old in parts and is also sprawling, it will take you a day to remember how to get back to your room. From our experience the hostal is no where near as bad as has been made out on trip advisor, in fact I would rate this hostal as an excellent place to stay, but in the right circumstance!
<!--33163573|572883|Akcent Hotel Prague-->Good Stay in Akcent
Staff is helpful. Room is clean. Bathroom and furniture are fine. Neighor feels safe. Located at the 7th floor of a building. Relatively quite if you close the Window from the traffic nosie. AC is working and quite. Very convenience. Metro stop is right underneath the Hotel. Bus stop is close by. Advice from other reviewers on how to get from airport to Hotel is helpful and a good saving tip.






<!--27299951|595219|Hostal Abrevadero-->Extremely Basic, Does what it says on the tin. Good Basic Hostal

去年三月底我们和25个学生待在这个旅舍。房间都很干净,但设施都很基础。别奢望有什么褶皱边的装饰--这里根本没有。这家旅舍距离La Rambla(地名就不翻译了)大概有15分钟的直线距离。设施很少。我们跟旅舍老板交涉的时候,他们明确表示了旅店的重点在于大群人,而不是个人,所以会有些吵,虽然大多数时候这里都是晚上11点之后就安静了。但同时,有面向街道的阳台的房间确实能听到本地人的吵闹声。旅店老板和接待员很乐于帮助,对我们的学生非常友好,还尽可能地教他们说西班牙语。旅店有的地方比较旧,并且结构向四处蔓延,你会花上一天来记住怎样走回自己的房间。根据我们的经验,这家旅店并不像导游所说的那样坏。实际上,我会把这家旅店评为超级好的歇息地方,但要在合适的情况下!


第1个回答  2009-07-10
“ ! - 18602366 | 280328 |别墅Voyta酒店- ”非常安静的位置


房间装饰漂亮,非常干净,而且还非常热烈地(没有空调) 。我离开了窗口打开,但无法降温的空间舒适的温度,但这一现象并不少见在布拉格在每年的这个时候,在小旅馆。


这家酒店是一个30 inute乘出租车到机场,这个成本长征700 - 800 。

“ ! - 27299951 | 595219 |旅馆Abrevadero - ”极基本法,但它所说的锡。良好的基本旅馆
我们住在这个旅馆3月下旬的25小学生。房间非常干净,但很基本的。不要指望任何低价-有arent任何。周围的旅馆是20分钟由La Rambla大道的一个非常直接的路线。设施极为有限,说话的业主,他们非常清楚地表明,有重点是团体而不是个人,以便期望能有一些噪音,但它主要是在晚上11点平静。说了这些话后的客房带阳台的领导走上街头并报告一些噪音当地人。业主和接待的工作人员无法提供更多的帮助,他们非常友好的学生和帮助他们讲西班牙语时,他们可以。这家酒店是旧零件也是庞大,这将带您一天要记住如何回到你的房间。从我们的经验是在旅馆附近的情况下没有那么糟糕,已经取得了旅行顾问,其实我想给旅馆是一个很好的住宿地点,但正确的情况下!
“ ! - 33163573 | 572883 | Akcent酒店布拉格- ”好保持Akcent
工作人员的帮助。房间是干净的。浴室和家具都很好。 Neighor感到安全。设在7楼的建设。相对相当如果您关闭该窗口的交通噪声。交流是工作和相当。十分便利。地铁站是正确下饭店。车站附近。咨询从其他审评人员就如何从机场到酒店的帮助和良好的节能小窍门。
第2个回答  2009-07-10
18602366 | < !——280328 |别墅酒店——> Voyta非常安静的位置



我在饭店餐厅吃晚餐,有一个出色的但充填山羊奶酪的先发投手。这个小牛肉,我选择的主菜是普通的,有点令人失望,但也许我的期望已经引发了先发投手! !服务是完美无缺的和友好的。不幸的是,我是唯一一个在餐厅,正因如此,我觉得resuturant缺乏的氛围。

酒店是30 inute乘出租车从机场和该成本CZ 700 - 800。

27299951 | 595219 < !——| Hostal Abrevadero——>非常基本的,它所称在铁皮。良好的基本Hostal
33163573 | < !——572883 |——> Akcent酒店布拉格呆在Akcent良好
第3个回答  2009-07-10

第4个回答  2009-07-10
I’m looking forward to another visit in the near future
for a longer stay.

<!--18602366|280328|Villa Voyta Hotel-->Very quiet location
This is a very nice hotel situated in a very quiet
residential area. I stayed here whilst on business - my
office in Praque is only 15 minutes walk from Villa.
The hotel is pleasantly decorated and I was welcomed to
the hotel by a charming receptionist. Check in and
check out were very efficient.

The room was nicely decorated and very clean but also
very warm (no air conditioning). I left the window open
but was unable to cool the room to a comfortable

temparature but this is not uncommon in Prague at this
time of year in smaller hotels.

I took dinner in the hotel resturant and had an
excellent but filling goats cheese starter. The veal
that I choose for the main course was average and a
little bit disappointing but maybe my expectations had

been raised by the starter!! The service was faultless
and friendly. Unfortunately, I was the only one in the
resturant and because of this I felt the resuturant

lacked atmosphere.

The hotel is a 30 inute taxi ride from the airport and
this cost CZ 700 - 800.

All in all a very comfortable hotel but keep in mind
that this is not within walking distrance of the old

town but it does seem to be reasonable connected to

public transport systems.

<!--27299951|595219|Hostal Abrevadero-->Extremely Basic,
Does what it says on the tin. Good Basic Hostal
We stayed at this Hostal in late March with 25 school
pupils. The rooms were very clean, but very basic. Don't
expect any frills - there arent any. The hostal is
那hostal到La Rambla是直线距离有20分钟。
around 20 mins from La Rambla in a very direct route.

Facilities are extremely limited and on talking to the
owners they made it very clear that there focus was on

groups rather than individuals so expect there to be
some noise, although it is mostly quiet after 11pm.
Having said that the rooms with a balcony leading onto
the streets did report some noise from the locals. The

owners and reception staff could not have been more

helpful, they were extremely friendly to our pupils and

helped them to speak spanish whenever they could. The

hotel is old in parts and is also sprawling, it will

take you a day to remember how to get back to your room.

From our experience the hostal is no where near as bad

as has been made out on trip advisor, in fact I would

rate this hostal as an excellent place to stay, but in

the right circumstance!

<!--33163573|572883|Akcent Hotel Prague-->Good Stay in


Staff is helpful. Room is clean. Bathroom and furniture

are fine. Neighor feels safe. Located at the 7th floor

of a building. Relatively quite if you close the Window

from the traffic nosie. AC is working and quite. Very

convenience. Metro stop is right underneath the Hotel.

Bus stop is close by. Advice from other reviewers on how

to get from airport to Hotel is helpful and a good

saving tip.