


put about 1.及物动词 使转变方向;公布,宣布,散布; 〔Scot. 口〕 使苦恼,使心烦,使窘,使混乱 (=put out)。 2.不及物动词 (掉头)折回;【航海】掉转航路(方向,船头) (put oneself about 为难)。

put across 美满完成,弄成功;堂堂开张。

put aside 挪开,撇开,避开;扔弃;排除 (put aside one's difficulties 排除困难)。

put asunder 分开,拆散。

put at 估量作。
put (sb. ) at his ease 使宽心[放心,安心]。

put away 1.及物动词 (a) 拿开,收掉,贮存,留下来(以后用)。 (b) 排斥;扔掉,忘记;进(医院、监狱等)。 (c) 抛弃,放弃。 (d) 〔俚语〕吃光,喝光 (put away a gallon of beer 喝光1加仑啤酒) (船)开行。 (e) 〔俚语〕当,押;葬;反叛;告密。 2.不及物动词 (船)开行 (put away for Shanghai 开往上海)。

put back 1.及物动词 放在原来地方,送回;使退回,拨慢,拨回(钟、表的)针;使退步,妨碍,阻碍;延迟;羁押(犯人)。 2. vi. 回去,折回;〔比喻〕变年轻。

put by 1. 避开(人、质问等);搁在一边,推脱,置之不理。 2. 积蓄,储存。

put down 1. 放下。 2. 镇压;制止,使沉默。 3. 削减,减,节省;降级,剥夺职权。 4. 记下;登记(作申请人) 5. 以为,认为 (as for)。 6. 归,担,推给 (to) (He put the mistake down to me. 他把错误推给我)。 7. 〔口语〕大喝。 8. (飞机)着陆。 put down the drain 〔口语〕浪费。 put down in black and white 白纸黑字写下。

put for 以…为目标前进。

put forth 1.及物动词 突出,长出,伸出;放(光);表现,发挥,拿出(力量等);陈列;出版,发行;建议。 2.不及物动词 发芽;〔诗〕出发。

put forward 1. 建议,提倡;促进,振兴;推举(候补人等)。 2. 使突出,显眼。

put heads together 讨论,商量。

put ...home 1. 戳进;撵走。 2. 坚持到底。

put in 1.及物动词 插(嘴);替人说(话),吹嘘吹嘘 (put in a word for a friend 替朋友辩护);提出(要求、文件等);加以(打击等);使就任,任命,请(家庭教师等)花费(时间)。 2.不及物动词 (船)入港,靠码头;进来,访问 (put in at a port 入港)。 put(sb. ) in [into] a junk 吓(某人)。 put (sb. ) in a fix [hole] 使某人陷入绝境。

put in for 申请,做候补人。

put in force 实施。
put in hand 着手,动作。
put in mind of 提醒,使想起。
put in motion 开动。

put into 1. 插入;注入。 2. (船)入港,开进。

put into shape 使体现。

put it across (him) 严厉批评[责备]。

put it aptly 说得好。

put it in another way 用另一方式说,换句话说。

put it on 〔口语〕讨高价;乱吹牛;假装。 put it on ice 〔美俚〕忘记。

put it over 〔美俚〕成功,考试及格。

not to put it past (sb. ) 〔美口〕 1. 认为某人能做某事。 2. 认为那是某人的本分。

put it (to sb. ) that (向某人)建议。
put it to (sb.) 征求(某人)意见。

put off 1.及物动词 拿走,拿开;脱(衣帽等);避开,推辞,推脱(人、要求);搁置;使等;拖,延期 (till until to) 拿(假货等)骗人,使人上当 (on upon) 排斥,黜免,驱逐,丢弃;谏止 (from) 妨碍,反叛,出卖;使为难;使没有精神去…,使厌恶 (be put off one's meals 不想吃饭)。 2.不及物动词 (船…船员等)离岸,出发,动身。 put on 1. 穿上(衣服),戴上(眼镜)。 2. 增加(体重、速度等) (put on flesh 长肉。 put on the pace 赶紧走。 put on weight 增加体重);(比赛等中)得(分) (to)。 3. 装,假装 (His modesty is all put on. 他的谦虚全是假的)。 4. 赌 (put £5 on a horse 赌某马5镑)。 5. 使走快,拨快 (put the clock on 把钟拨快)。 6. 任命。 7. 使工作;煽动,教唆,撺掇。 8. 上演(剧本)。 9. 把(罪)推给。 10. 推荐,介绍 (to)。 put on an act 〔美俚〕假装。 put on airs 摆架子。 put on lugs 〔美俚〕装腔作势,摆架子。

put on steam 1. 使劲,加油。 2. 开动,投入生产。

put one's back up 1. (美橄榄球)抵抗,顶住。 2. 激怒。

put oneself out of the way 自找麻烦。

put oneself over (an audience) 使(听众)理解[接受、欢迎]。

put out 1.及物动词 拿出,长出,发出(芽等);迁移,移植(树苗);转让,交出;逐出,赶出,撵走,解雇; 伸出(手);熄(火),灭火;表现,表示,发挥;交给(人);出产;完成;作出;发行,出版;使出场(比赛);弄脱(关节),使脱臼;贷出(款子),投资,花费,存款;触怒,惹,使窘,使为难;【棒球】使打出界外,使出局。 2.不及物动词 开船;〔美国〕出发,发芽;突然跑掉。 put out of action 歼灭,消灭。 put out of service 关,停止。 put (sb.) out of the way 除掉(某人);把(某人)关进牢监。

put over 1. (船)渡过去。 2. 延期。 3. (使戏剧、政策等)成功[得到好评]。 4. 〔美俚〕顺利完成。

put through 1. 完成,做好(工作等)。 2. 戳穿。 3. 使(议案等)通过。 4. 使受(考验等)。 5. 接通(电话) (Put me through to X. 请接X先生)。

put together 1. 编辑;拼拢。 2. 比较考虑,合计。 3. 使结婚。

put to it 折磨,使为难,使烦恼;强制 (be put to it 非常困苦)。

put (sb.) to the door 辞退,解雇(某人)。

put up 1.及物动词 (a) 挂,升(帆、旗等);贴(广告等);打(伞);吊(蚊帐);撑开(帐篷);盖,造(房子)。 (b) 作(祷告),提出(请求)。 (c) 收拾;收藏,插入刀鞘 (put up the sword 收刀;停止战争);掩藏;(将汽车等)开进车房。 (d) 包捆,打包。 (e) 涨(价)。 (f) 上演(剧本)。 (g) 交去拍卖;拿去卖。 (h) 提名候选人,推荐。 (i) 留宿;得到食宿。 (j) 梳(头)。 (k) 配,配制(药等)。 (l) 【赛马】雇用…做骑师。 (m) 鼓动,唆使;(打猎时)赶出野兽。 (n) 通知,暗示 (to) 〔俚语〕计划,密谋。 (o) 公布(结婚的预告)。 2.不及物动词 投宿(put up at an inn 住旅馆);提名竞选;〔美俚〕付钱;下赌注。 put up the shutters 停业。 put upon 欺骗;压迫。 P- up or shut up! 〔美国〕拿出确实证据否则免开尊口!

put (sb.) up to 唆使(某人)…,煽动(某人)…,告诉,教。

put up with 忍住,熬住,隐忍迁就。
第1个回答  2006-08-06
● put in an appearance:露脸
“As is often the case, the director will put in an appearance in every office and then leave.”

● put... in the picture:把近况告诉……
“What new machines have been acquired? The manager wants the purchasing officer to put him in the picture.”

● put... in the shade:使……逊色
“The three winning essays have put all the others in the shade.”

● put... on the map:让……出名
“Some popular new products put the manufacturers on the map.”

● put... off the scent:误导……
“The suspect managed to put the police off the scent by directing them to a wrong place.”

● put on airs:摆架子
“I avoid talking to those who are arrogant and putting on airs too much.”

● put... on his guard:劝……当心
“Rumours that the company will lay off staff put some on the guard.”

● put... on a pedestal:把……当偶像崇拜
“Many students put their knowledgeable teachers on a pedestal by accepting their ideas without question.”

● put out feelers:放出触角
“The two political parties seem to be interested in a compromise, so they have started putting out feelers.”

● put a spoke in someone's wheel:妨碍某人的计划
“The research grant has been approved and should come to us soon unless someone puts a spoke in our wheel.”

● put one's money on...:对……有把握
“The ruling party will win the general election again. I can put my money on it.”

● put "paid" to...:结束……;毁掉
“A sudden serious illness put 'paid' to Michael's chances of taking part in the long-distance race.”

● put the lid on...:禁止……
“There have been reports about information insecurity. The police are determined to do something to put the lid on any further leakage of confidential news.”

● put one's thinking cap on...:动脑筋想
“This is a thorny issue, which requires your putting your thinking cap on.”

● put one through one's paces:考验某人的本领
“The purpose of having a series of seminars is to put the participants through their paces.”

● put... through the mill:使……经历磨练
“At the interview, the interviewers asked difficult questions with a view to putting every interviewee through the mill.”

● put someone's name forward:正式提某人的名
“Many members put Joe's name forward to serve on the Town Council.”

● put it down to experience:从经验中学习
“Everyone has a bitter taste of failure; never mind! Put it down to experiene.”

● put... behind...:尝试把……忘掉
“Our national team should put last night's defeat behind it and concentrate on the coming match.”

● to put it bluntly:不客气地说

“To put it bluntly, the man you recommended is just not good enough for the job.”本回答被提问者采纳
第2个回答  2006-08-06
put in 插话,
put on 穿上,
put down 记下来,写下来,
put sth aside 放到一边,
put it on 假装生气,
put away 收起来,
put sth by 存钱以备不时之需,
put back,放回,
put off 推迟,放下。
第3个回答  2006-08-06
put on 穿上
put down 记下来,写下来
put away 收起来
put back 放回
put off 推迟,放下
第4个回答  2006-08-06