
the sacred tree!!

你说的是P339上面那个The sacred tree吗?

In the nineteenth century, Mugo Kibiru, a famous prophet of the Kikuyu tribe, foretold that a fig tree at Thika, twenty-six miles north of Nairobi, would wither and die on the day that Kenya gained independence. Kibiru also prophesied that Kenya would become a white man’s colony, but that one day the white man would return the land to the Africanss. He foresaw the coming of the railway which he described as ”an iron snake with many legs, like an earthworm.” Kibiru’s prophecies proved to be so accurate that for many years the tree at Thika was regarded as sacred. Even the white men took the prophecy seriously, for they built the tree up with earth and put a concrete wall around it so that it would not fall. These measures were doomed to fail. Shortly before Kenya gained in dependence, the tree was struck by lightning and it began to wither rapidly. By the day Kenya officially became independent, it had decayed completely, fulfilling the prophecy made over seventy years before by Kibiru.

19世纪,Mugo Kibiru是肯尼亚一位非常有名的预言家,预言一颗在塞卡的树,距离内罗毕(肯尼亚首都)往北只有26英里,这颗树只要干枯和死掉后肯尼亚将得到独立。Kibiru还预言肯尼亚将会变成白种人的殖民地,而且有一天白种人会将土地归还给非洲人。他预见铁路的到来,他描述为就像“熨平了的有很多腿的蛇就像蚯蚓一样”。Kibiru的预言能力是被证明为非常准确的,所以多年来那颗树在塞卡一直是圣神的不可冒犯的。甚至白种人也很认真的看待这个预言,他们修建了围墙保护这颗树,防止它的死亡。但是这些措施注定是失败的,前不久肯尼亚政府得到了更多的信任,而这棵树被闪电击中后迅速的干枯。当天肯尼亚正式独立了,而那颗树也完全干枯腐烂,70年前这个预言在塞卡得到了实现。

