


Probably I am the one who u call 老外.
还probably?怎么连舔老外壁的自信都没有?还I'm the one,你牛逼啊,老子就平生只见过你一个老外?对了,你是老外么?你是老外拉的一条屎吧
It seems ur english z quite good, good enough to challenge others?!
说你脑残还是高估了你,整个一SB250,多学点英文再来BB行么?你想揶揄我,得用You think your ? 孙子,爷爷这儿免费教你。
I really hate the fucking guy such as U which is so arrogant!
你明明恨的是某"个"人,又不是某"类"人,怎么还such as,哎呀,老外啊老外呀,你小学读完了么?? ?这里用which??带着这条句子问你老师去!
Itz absolutely not worth to spend time on urs such carp question.
老师教过你worth,worthwhile,worthy,worth sb's while怎么用么?后面加动名词还是不定式么?你要是没钱读书,写信给证辅。知道such该摆什么正确的位置么?
The answerers did very good job on the question, im very satisfied with their work!!!
知道什么时候用一般时,什么时候用完成时?你知道说话时false elegance指什么吗?


Probably I am the one who u call 老外.
I lived in Sydney for many years already.
It seems ur english z quite good, good enough to challenge others?!
I really hate the fucking guy such as U which is so arrogant!
Itz absolutely not worth to spend time on urs such carp question.
The answerers did very good job on the question, im very satisfied with their work!!!
Wellcome to challenge to me...letz see whose enlish z better.
回答者: 199007111 - 试用期 一级 2009-7-25 11:36
第1个回答  2009-07-25
Probably I am the one who u call 老外.
还probably?怎么连舔老外壁的自信都没有?还I'm the one,你牛逼啊,老子就平生只见过你一个老外?对了,你是老外么?你是老外拉的一条屎吧
It seems ur english z quite good, good enough to challenge others?!
说你脑残还是高估了你,整个一SB250,多学点英文再来BB行么?你想揶揄我,得用You think your ? 孙子,爷爷这儿免费教你。
I really hate the fucking guy such as U which is so arrogant!
你明明恨的是某"个"人,又不是某"类"人,怎么还such as,哎呀,老外啊老外呀,你小学读完了么?? ?这里用which??带着这条句子问你老师去!
Itz absolutely not worth to spend time on urs such carp question.
老师教过你worth,worthwhile,worthy,worth sb's while怎么用么?后面加动名词还是不定式么?你要是没钱读书,写信给证辅。知道such该摆什么正确的位置么?
The answerers did very good job on the question, im very satisfied with their work!!!
知道什么时候用一般时,什么时候用完成时?你知道说话时false elegance指什么吗?


Probably I am the one who u call 老外.
I lived in Sydney for many years already.
It seems ur english z quite good, good enough to challenge others?!
I really hate the fucking guy such as U which is so arrogant!
Itz absolutely not worth to spend time on urs such carp question.
The answerers did very good job on the question, im very satisfied with their work!!!
Wellcome to challenge to me...letz see whose enlish z better.
回答者: 199007111 - 试用期 一级 2009-7-25 11:36
第2个回答  2009-07-22

Why do some guys with poor English always solve the English problem in self-confidence, even though they have no access to the CET4? Sometimes,their anwers are incorrect,which mislead questioners a lot .Dont’t they have any responsibility and don’t they know what they should do?Morever,someone give an awser carelessly by translating that with the translator,which show others a sense of no culture. Therefore,as the way as I think ,you guys should study English better ,rather than wast time to do that.

第3个回答  2009-07-14
可能连大四都没过是什么意思? 就是说还在大三,没有到大四吗? 为什么大四的人才能翻译,大四的人英语就不烂了吗? 总之,这句话中文表述的不是很清楚。 假设你这句话表述清楚了,翻译成英文逻辑上也有点问题,给说英语的人看会觉得很奇怪。
第4个回答  2009-07-14
