
1.The girl sat silently in the corn
2.He doesn't looking concerningbut he is very concerning indeed
3.I always try to avorid to meet him
4.You must look on your own affairs.

第一个句子的正确形式是:The girl sat silently in the corner.
第2个句子的正确形式是:He doesn't look concerned but he is very concerned indeed .“doesn't”是助动词,后接动词原形。concerning是“关于”的意思,此题应为“关心的”,即concerned
第3个句子的正确形式是:I always try to avoid meeting him .
avoid你应该是笔误!avoid 后接动词的形式为avoid+doing而不是avoid+to
第四个的问题中,你的look on 肯定是错的,该短语的意思是“观看,旁观”的意思,不符题意。可改为look after,“关心”的意思。
第1个回答  2006-08-04
1.The girl sat silently in the corn
The girl sat silently in the corner.

2.He doesn't looking concerningbut he is very concerning indeed
He doesn't look concerned but he is concerning indeed.

3.I always try to avorid to meet him
I always try to avoid meeting him.

4.You must look on your own affairs.
You must look after your own affairs.
第2个回答  2006-08-04
the girl silently in the cornner

he doesn't look concerned but he is very concerned indeed

i'm always trying to avorid meeting him

you must look as your own affairs
第3个回答  2006-08-04
1. corner

2. look concerning

3. avoid meeting

4. look after
第4个回答  2006-08-04
doesn't looking-> doesn't look
avorid to meet ->avoid meeting
look on -> mind
第5个回答  2006-08-04
1.The girl sat silently in the corn(er)(这个是不是打错了?)
silently-->silent sat在这里是系动词

2.He doesn't looking concerning but he is very concerning indeed
look concerning也不对,应该是concerned吧

3.I always try to avorid to meet him
try to do表努力,try doing表尝试
I always try avoiding meeting him.

4.You must look on your own affairs.
You must focus on your own bussiness.
