求大神翻译!周五要!很急很急!JOSEPH FRASER V . DONALD D. EDMISTEN 189 Mont .

JOSEPH FRASER V . DONALD D. EDMISTEN 189 Mont . 443 , 616 P. 2d 360 SHEA, justice Plaintiff , Joseph H. Fraser, appeals from a judgment in Madison County District Court denying his claim for restitution of payments made under an oral contract for the purchase of defendant’s tavern. The defendant , Donald D. Edmisten ,counterclaimed in the alternative for specific performance or forfeiture to him of the downpayments made by Fraser. The trial court granted only forfeiture of the downpayments. Although plaintiff Fraser raises four issues , three of them are moot because they are directed at Edmisten’s counterclaim for specific performance which the trial court did not grant. Nor has Edmisten appealed from the trial court’s order refusing to grant his counterclaim for specific performance . Accordingly , the sole issue on appeal is the sufficiency of the evidence to support the judgment permitting forfeiture of the payment . We affirm.

【你是学法的吧,因为这是是关于法庭审判的,开头一句没看懂,是文件档案编号?我从justice Plaintiff开始翻译,专业词汇借助的有道词典】正义的(这三个字也可以不翻译)原告Joseph H. Fraser将一纸判决上诉到麦迪逊地区法庭,因为该判决否认了他要求拿回通过口头协议购买被告酒馆付的款项。被告Donald D. Edmisten提起反诉,要求具体履行Fraser的(协议)或没收Fraser的首付金。(这句里in the alternative没有翻译,是替代的意思)初审法院只同意没收首付金。虽然原告Fraser提出了四点争议(issue也可以翻译为问题),其中有三点是没有实际意义的,因为它们是针对Edmisten的反诉中提出的而法庭并没有同意的具体履行协议。而且Edmisten也没有就初审法院决绝他的反诉中提出的具体履行(协议)的要求就行上诉。据此,上诉中唯一的问题就是支持判决允许没收款项的证据的完美性。我们肯定。 (我们肯定)可以放在据此后面
第1个回答  2013-12-26
第2个回答  2013-12-26
Joseph Fraser 对 Donald D。 Edmisten 189 Mont。, 其实两个人名,Mont。 没什么意思