so far和up to now区别是什么?


首先我们来看下so far、up to now和till now的大致意思:

so far:词性为短语,so far是一个短语,由副词so和副词far组成。

up to now:词性为短语,up to now是一个短语,由副词up,介词to和副词now组成。

till now:词性为短语,till now是一个短语,由副词till和副词now组成。

通过下面的表格我们了解下so far、up to now和till now的含义、发音和用法

接下来让我们看下so far、up to now和till now的用法区别:

1.时间概念:so far强调到目前为止,不涉及未来;up to now强调到现在为止,也可能会继续下去;till now强调直到现在为止,有时候可能已经结束。


- I haven't finished the work so far.


- I have been waiting for him till now.


- He has been working in this school up to now.


2.过去与现在的对比:so far侧重于过去到现在这段时间,可以表示过去的事情;up to now侧重于现在,没有涉及到过去;till now侧重于过去和现在的对比,表示过去到现在的变化。


- I have been working in this company for two years so far.


- They have been waiting for you here till now.


- Till now, they have been living in this city for ten years.


3.程度或数量:so far强调程度或数量迄今为止没有达到预期;up to now强调程度或数量迄今为止已经达到预期;till now强调程度或数量有可能会发生变化。


- I have only read one book so far.


- We have sold 1000 items up to now.


- He hasn't found a job till now.


4.情感色彩:so far较为客观,没有明显的情感色彩;up to now略带情感色彩,有时候表示期待或者遗憾;till now带有一定的失望或不满情绪。


- I haven't encountered such a problem so far.


- I have been waiting for your message up to now.


- He hasn't replied to my email till now. I'm really disappointed.

