

1. 异色瓢虫幼虫通常在秋季出现,它们在被子上被发现可能是因为 recent environmental changes 或者 house cleaning activities 导致它们移动到了新的位置。
2. 瓢虫幼虫以蚜虫为食,是 garden allies,有助于控制蚜虫数量。
3. 瓢虫幼虫经历四个不同的 developmental stages,每个阶段都有其独特的 physical characteristics。
4. 第一龄期幼虫体长约为2毫米,呈现完全黑色。
5. 第二龄期幼虫体长增加到4毫米,呈现灰黑色,具有明显的 spines on the pronotum and thoracic sides。
6. 第三龄期幼虫体长进一步增加到7毫米,灰黑色,与第二龄期相比,spines and setae remain similar but with some color changes.
7. 第四龄期幼虫体长可达11毫米,body color remains gray-black with more defined color patterns on the thorax and abdomen.
8. Pupal stage is approximately 7 millimeters in length and 5 millimeters in width, with an orange-yellow coloration.
9. The adult emerges from the pupal case to continue the cycle, potentially being seen on bedding as it seeks food and mates.