

钢琴伴奏 XXX
4岁开始学习钢琴, 6岁即在电台演奏. 13岁以优秀成绩考入上海音乐学院附中, 师从著名钢琴教授 XXX. 1976年进入上海民族乐团担任钢琴独奏. 当时最早在上海演奏钢琴伴奏 < 红灯记 >,并取得一致好评. 1980年移居XXX,1992年移居XXX. 20多年来一直担任其丈夫 XXX 的钢琴伴奏, 演奏在不同的地区和舞台.

Piano Accompaniment XXX

Started learning piano at the age of 4. Performed for a broadcasting station at the age of 6. Admitted into Shanghai's Music School at the age of 13 with an excellent result, where she became a student of famous piano professor XXX. Solo pianist in Shanghai National Music Orchestra in the year 1976 to 19XX. Migrated to XXX in 1980, and XXX in 1992. Currently a Piano Accompaniment of her husband for 20 years, performing at different states (and stages).

居然说是地区了,那就已经表示所有地区里的所有舞台。所以英文句里不需放(and stages)吧,但你要也可以加进去。
第1个回答  2009-05-22
The piano accompaniment XXX
4 years began to learn the piano, 6 years in radio play. 13 with outstanding achievement of Shanghai music institute accessorial middle school, admitted from famous piano professor XXX. 1976 into Shanghai national orchestra as a solo piano playing in Shanghai at the earliest. GongDengJi < > piano accompaniment, and praise. 1980 to XXX, 1992 to XXX. 20 years has served as her husband, playing the piano accompaniment XXX in different regions and stage.
第2个回答  2009-05-22

Piano Accompanist XXX

She started learning piano at the age of 4, performed for a broadcasting station at the age of 6, been admitted into attached middle school of Shanghai Conservatory of Music at the age of 13 with an excellent test score, where she became a student of famous piano professor XXX. She was a solo pianist in Shanghai National Music Orchestra since 1976, one of the earliest to accompany "The Red Lantern " in Shanghai which brought him a good fame.
She migrated to XXX in 1980, and to XXX in 1992. She now has been a piano accompanist for her husband for 20 years, performing on different states.