
II. Guided Writing
Directions: Write an English composition in 120~150 words according to the instructions given below in Chinese.

Teachers,I Want to Tell You!
Dear teachers and fellow students,
This is our last class meeting that we are holding before graduating.I am so happy and excited I have many many things to say to you,my dear teachers.But how can say out all these things and show my respect to you in such short time?
Three years,which is 1080 days and nights, we have spent together!You taught us to be a useful person,cared for our study and life.It is you that have brought us happiness,laugh,and hopes.
In the past three years,we told you about our trouble,sorrow or other boring things.But today ,I want to tell you,wherever we go,we'll always remember you,we'll keep our spirit,keep our style,and keep being a useful person for our country.
第1个回答  2009-05-02
Dear my English teacher :
Miss XX(你的英语老师姓什么,这里就填什么).Thanks toyou .
Every day ,you have many lesson ,but you don't says"I'm tield!"
Every evening .All the students are go home ,but you is in your office .Thanks to you ,we all say "we love our English teacher very much!"
Last wish best wishes .
Your student.
The End
第2个回答  2009-05-02
作文要自己写 否则就别写 这样对你的写作毫无帮助