
要翻译的这段是故事TIGER OR LADY的结局续写。想看完整故事的可以去网上搜搜中文版。




如果我是那个公主的话~我会选择有美女的那一扇门,因为唯有生路才有希望.更何况他是我所深爱的人.If I were the princecess,I would choose the door behind which there was a beauty for him,owing to a belief that where is a will there is a way,not to mention the one I love the most.尽管想象他和另一个女人结婚在一起对我来已经十分痛苦了,但是对比之下我怎么可能眼睁睁的在可以预知生存机会几乎是微乎其微的情况下放着我的爱人去和凶猛的老虎搏击?How could I just watch him to fighting with the ferocious tiger under the acquaitance of the slim chance of his survival ,despite of the the misery as long as I thought of his marrying with another woman.这么残忍的事情怎么对我深爱的人做的下手? How could I do it to my beloved so crucially?
既然爱一个人就要给他自由和幸福,这才是真正的爱,伟大的爱。Loving someone means to set him free and give him happiness,that's the real love,the grand love.凭着我们多年深厚的爱,他一定知道此刻我还深爱着他的,He must know that I still loved him at the moment ,based on our deep love for so many years.他相信我不至于会那么残忍把他送上死路,所以他会觉得就是我会选择有美女的那扇门给他,而这对于他来说这也是我能赋予他的最后一丝尊严——对自己的命运做出抉择的权利。He was so deeply convinced that I would never sentence him to death ruthlessly that he might foresee I would choose the 'beauty door' for him ,which was the ultimate dignity I could have for him-the right to choose the fate for himself.尽管他可能内心意愿是选择有老虎的那扇门,因为作为一个士兵,一个男人,一个被深爱的人,他知道这才是他应该有的选择。Though he may be willing to choose the 'tiger door' deep in his heart,as a soldier,a man and the one I loved.He knew exactly what was the proper choice for him.因而我把生存的权利转交给他后,接下来就是他的思考了,也此时也正是考验我们爱情的时刻。Therefore I turned over the title and next came his thoughtfulness,the true moment to test out our love.如果他选择了和我指示一样的门,那我会觉得我们的爱真的只能到此为止了,因为在生与死前,他怯步了。If he chose the exact door I chose for him,I would know our love lasted hereto,on account of his stepping back before the death.如果他故意选择和我指示相反的那扇有老虎在背后的门,那么我也会为他而自谥,因为我的爱人基于贞洁的爱而勇于为我去牺牲,那么对于我来说还有什么事是我不值得为他做的?If he made the opposite choice deliberately against mine,I would take my own life for him,since my beloved dared to sacrifice for our pure love ,then was there anything else which he did not deserve from me ?
第1个回答  2009-05-14
If I were the Princess ~ I would choose if there is a door that beauty. It is the only hope of survival. Moreover, he is my beloved, although they imagine him and married another woman with me to has been very painful, but contrast how could I sit in the can almost predict the chances of survival are minimal conditions to lay my love and ferocious fighting Tiger? such a cruel thing to me how people love to do to gain the upper hand ?

Since a person must love to give him the freedom and happiness, true love, great love. With our many years of deep love, he must know at the moment I also love him, he believed that I would not be so cruel to him a blind alley, so he would feel that there is beauty I would choose to give him the door , which for him that is what I can to give his last trace of dignity - of their own destiny and make the right choice. Despite the wishes of his heart is likely to choose the tiger's door, because as a soldier, a man, a love of people, he knows this is the choice he should have. So I turn to the right to life to him, the next thought was his, but also at this time is the time to test our love. If he has chosen and I like the door of the instructions, then I would think that we really love can only go so far, because in the life and death, he has been prohibitive. If he and I have deliberately chosen the opposite directions in the door has the tiger behind the door, then I would since his posthumous title, because I love the love of chastity based on the courage to sacrifice for me, so for me there What happened is I do not deserve for him to do?
第2个回答  2009-05-14

If I am the princess, I will choose the gate with a beauty. Because there there is life, there is hope, what's more, he is the person I love deeply,it is very painful to me to even image he marries another woman, but how can I let my lover fight with a feral tiger? How can I be so cruel to my lover?
It is true love when you can make him free and happy. Since we loved each other deeply for so many years, he must be sure that I still love him deeply, he believes that I won't be so cruel to make him die, so he thinks I will choose the gate with a beauty for him, and it is the last ghost dignity I can give him-- to have the right to decide his own fate. All though he is willing to choose the gate with the tiger in his mind, to be as a soldier, a man and a person who is deeply loved, he knows what he should choose. And when I pass the right of living to him, he should consider next, and this is a moment that tests our love. If he chooses the gate as I direct, then I will think our love is over, because he fears in front of life and death. If he choose the oppsite gate, I will suicide for him as well,if a man can die for me because of chaste love, I can do everything for him.

第3个回答  2009-05-14
If I were the Princess ~ I would choose if there is a door that beauty. It is the only hope of survival. Moreover, he is my beloved, although they imagine him and married another woman with me to has been very painful, but contrast how could I sit in the can almost predict the chances of survival are minimal conditions to lay my love and ferocious fighting Tiger? such a cruel thing to me how people love to do to gain the upper hand ?
Since a person must love to give him the freedom and happiness, true love, great love. With our many years of deep love, he must know at the moment I also love him, he believed that I would not be so cruel to him a blind alley, so he would feel that there is beauty I would choose to give him the door , which for him that is what I can to give his last trace of dignity - of their own destiny and make the right choice. Despite the wishes of his heart is likely to choose the tiger's door, because as a soldier, a man, a love of people, he knows this is the choice he should have. So I turn to the right to life to him, the next thought was his, but also at this time is the time to test our love. If he has chosen and I like the door of the instructions, then I would think that we really love can only go so far, because in the life and death, he has been prohibitive. If he and I have deliberately chosen the opposite directions in the door has the tiger behind the door, then I would since his posthumous title, because I love the love of chastity based on the courage to sacrifice for me, so for me there What happened is I do not deserve for him to do?
Add: the first floor you soon! ! But I do not want machine translation.Oh!Serious refused Kazakhstan ~! ! Because it is necessary to count points, so all aspects of grammar have to pay more attention.
第4个回答  2009-05-18
If I am that princess's words ~, I am able to choose that one door having beautiful woman. Have hope because of the means of livelihood only. Not to mention although imagine that his and another woman get married has been together face to face already very pained to come me , how I may under the contrast he is person loved very much by me, helplessly be not bad the foreknowledge survival chance is a be transferred to work at lower levels let my lover go to and ferocious condition tiger as trifling as it is nearly strike? Assistant the people how so ruthless thing loves to my depths acts as? Need to give him liberty and happiness since loving one people, this is really real love , great love. Depending on our deep love many years,he definitely knows I am loving him very much at the moment , he believes that I am not to such an extent as to be going to be so ruthless with him having given to a blind alley, therefore his destiny that can feel that fan door being that I am able to choose have a beautiful woman gives him, but this is also that I can give his at last to a thread of dignity to self to criticizing this coming him does out the right choosing. That fan door having tiger, because of being a soldier , a man despite of his possibility heart wish is to choose, a people who loving by the depths, he knows this is really he ought to some choice. As a result, I have passed the right existing on to his queen , have been his thinking then, also also exactly be to test our amatory moment now. If he has chosen the door same as my instruction, that my meeting feels our love can only really thus far because of going forward in the life with dying, his timid step. The fan has the tiger door in the back if his deliberately choice and my instruction are contrary , then, I also may be him but self styles, have the courage to be that I go to lay down self's life because of my lover love because of chaste and undefiled, what thing to still have so as for me is that I am not worth being that he composes?