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英语文集 英语词汇表
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a (an) art.
ability n
able a
about prep & ad.
above prep
abroad a & ad
absent a
accent n
accept v
accident n
ache n
achieve v
across prep
act n & v
action n
active a
activity n
add v
address n
advantage n
advertisement n
advice n
advise v
afford v
afraid a
after ad , prep & conj
afternoon n
again ad
against prep
age n
ago ad
agree v
agreement n
air n
airplane n
airport n
alive a
all a & pron
allow v
almost ad
alone a
along ad & prep
aloud ad
already ad
also ad
although conj
always ad
America n
American a & n
among prep
ancient a
and conj
angry a
animal n
another a & pron
answer n & v
ant n
any pron & a
anybody pron
anyone pron
anything pron
anyway ad
anywhere ad
appear v
apple n
April n
arm n
army n
around prep & ad
arrive v
art n
article n
as ad, conj & prep
Asia n
Asian a & n
ask v
asleep a
at prep
Atlantic n & a
attention n
August n
aunt n
Australia n
Australian a & n
autumn n
available a
avoid n
awake v
away ad
baby n
back ad & n
background n
bad ( worse, worst) a
bag n
ball n
balloon n
bamboo n
banana n
bank n
baseball n
basic a
basket n
basketball n
bathroom n
be (is, am, are, was, were, being, been) aux v
beach n
bear� n
beat v & n
beautiful a
because conj
become (became, become) v
bed n
bedroom n
bee n
beef n
before prep, ad & conj
begin (began, begun) v
behaviour n
behind prep
believe v
bell n
below prep
beside prep
besides prep & ad
between prep
beyond prep
big a
bike =bicycle n
bill n
bird n
birth n
birthday n
biscuit n
bit n
bitter a
black a & n
blackboard n
blind a
blood n
blow (blew, blown) v
blue� n & a
board n
boat n
body n
book n
boring a
born a
borrow v
boss n
both pron & a
bottle n
bottom n
bowl n
box n
boy n
brain n
brave a
bread n
break (broke, broken) v & n
breakfast n
breath n
breathe v
bridge n
bright a
bring (brought, brought) v
brother n
brown n & a
brush v & n
build (built, built) v
building n
burn (-ed, ed/burnt, burnt) v
bus n
business n
busy a
but conj
butter n
butterfly n
buy (bought, bought) v
by prep
bye interj
cabbage n
cake n
call v & n
camel n
camera n
camp n & v
can modal v
Canada n
cancel v
candle n
cancer n
candy n
cap n
capital n
captain n
car n
card n
care v & n
careful a
careless a
carry v
cat n
catch (caught, caught) v
cause n & v
CD n
ceiling n
celebrate v
cent n
centre n
century n
certain a
chair n
chairman/woman n
chalk n
chance n
change v
chant n & v
cheap a
cheat v
check n & v
cheer n & v
cheese n
chemistry n
chess n
chest n
chicken n
child (pl. children) n
China n
Chinese a & n
chocolate n
choice n
choose (chose, chosen) v
chopsticks n
Christmas n
church n
cinema n
circle n & v
city n
clap v & n
class n
classmate n
classroom n
clean a & v
clear a
clever a
climb v
clock n
clone v
close v & a
clothes n
cloud n
cloudy a
club n
coach n
coal n
coast n
coat n
coffee n
coin n
coke n
cold a & n
collect v
college n
colour (Am color) n & v
come (came, come) v
comfortable a
common a
communicate v
communication n
company n
compare v
competition n
complete a & v
composition n
computer n
concert n
condition n
conference n
connect v
consider v
continue v
control v
conversation n
cook v & n
cooker n
cool a
copy n & v
corner n
correct v & a
cost v & n
cotton n & a
cough n & v
could modal v
count v
country n
countryside n
couple n
courage n
course n
cousin n
cover n & v
cow n
crayon n
crazy a
create v
cross v & n
cruel a
cry n & v
culture n
cup n
cut (cut, cut) v & n
dad (daddy) n
daily a, ad & n
dance v & n
danger n
dangerous a
dare v & aux v
dark a & n
date n
daughter n
day n
dead a
deaf a
deal v
dear a
death n
December n
decide v
decision n
deep a & ad
degree n
delicious a
dentist n
depend v
describe v
desk n
develop v
development n
dialogue (Am dialog) n
diary n
dictionary n
die v
difference n
different a
difficult a
difficulty n
dig (dug, dug) v
dinner n
direct a & v
direction n
director n
dirty a
discover v
discovery n
discuss v
discussion n
disease n
dish n
dismiss v
disturb v
divide v
do (did, done) v
doctor n
dog n
doll n
dollar n
door n
double a & n
doubt n & v
down ad & prep
downstairs ad
dozen n
draw (drew, drawn) v
drawer n
dream (-ed, -ed/dreamt, dreamt) v & n
dress n & v
drink (drank, drunk) v & n
drive (drove, driven) v
driver n
drop n & v
drug n
drum n
dry v & a
duck n
dumpling n
during prep
duty n
each a & pron
ear n
early a & ad
earth n
east n, a & ad
easy a
eat (ate, eaten) v
edge n
education n
effort n
egg n
eight num
eighteen num
eighth num
eighty num
either a , conj & ad
elder a
electric a
elephant n
eleven num
else a
e-mail n & v
empty a
encourage v
end n & v
enemy n
energy n
engineer n
England n
English n & a
enjoy v
enough a & ad
enter v
environment n
eraser n
especially ad
Europe n
European a & n
even ad
evening n
ever ad
every a
everybody pron
everyday a
everyone pron
everything pron
everywhere ad
exam =examination n
examine v
example n
excellent a
except prep
excite v
excuse n & v
exercise v & n
expect v
expensive a
experience n
experiment n
explain v
express v
eye n
face n & v
fact n
factory n
fail v
fair a
fall (fell, fallen) v
family n
famous a
fan n
fantastic a
far(farther, farthest/further, furthest) a & ad
farm n
farmer n
fast a & ad
fat a
father n
favourite (Am favorite) a & n
fear n
February n
feed (fed, fed) v
feel (felt, felt) v
feeling n
festival n
fetch v
fever n
few pron & a
field n
fifth num
fifty num
fight (fought, fought ) v & n
fill v
film n
final a
find (found, found) v
fine a
finger n
finish v
fire n
first num, a & ad
fish n
fisherman n
fit a & v
five num
fix v
flag n
flat n
floor n
flower n
flu n
fly1 (flew, flown) v
fly2 n
follow v
food n
foot (pl. feet) n
football n
for prep
force v
foreign a
foreigner n
forest n
forget (forgot, forgot) v
fork n
form n
forty num
forward ad
four num
fourteen num
fourth num
fox n
free a
freeze (froze, frozen) v
fresh a
Friday n
fridge (=refrigerator) n
friend n
friendly a
friendship n
frog n
from prep
front a & n
fruit n
full a
fun n
funny a
furniture n
future n
game n
garden n
gate n
general a
gentleman n
geography n
gesture n
get (got, got) v
gift n
giraffe n
girl n
give (gave, given) v
glad a
glass n
glove n
go (went, gone) v
goat n
god n
gold n & a
golden a
good ( better, best) a
goodbye (bye-bye) interj
goose (pl. geese) n
government n
grade n
grammar n
grandchild n
granddaughter n
grandma = grandmother n
grandpa = grandfather n
grandparent n
grandson n
granny n
grape n
grass n
great a
green a & n
greeting n
ground n
group n
grow (grew, grown) v
guard n
guess v
guest n
guitar n
gun n
gym = gymnasium n
habit n
hair n
half a & n
hall n
ham n
hamburger n
hand n
handbag n
handsome a
handwriting n
hang (hung, hung) v
happen v
happy a
hard ad & a
hardly ad
hat n
hate v & n
have ( has, had, had) v
he pron
head n
headache n
health n
healthy a
hear (heard, heard) v
heart n
heat n
heaven n
heavy a
height n
hello (hi) interj
help v & n
helpful a
hen n
her pron
here ad
hero n
herself pron
hide (hid, hidden) v
high a
hill n
him pron
himself pron
his pron
history n
hit (hit, hit ) v
hobby n
hold (held, held) v
hole n
holiday n
home n & ad
hometown n
homework n
honest a
honour (Am honor) n & v
hope n & v
horse n
hospital n
hot a
hotdog n
hotel n
hour n
house n
housework n
how ad
however ad & conj
huge a
human a & n
humorous a
hundred num
hungry a
hurry v
hurt (hurt,hurt) v
husband n
I pron
ice n
ice-cream n
idea n
if conj
ill a
illness n
imagine v
immediately ad
important a
impossible a
improve v
in prep
inch n
include v
increase v & n
India n
Indian a & n
industry n
influence n
information n
ink n
inside prep
insist v
instead ad
instruction n
intention n
interest n
interesting a
international n
Internet n
interview n & v
into prep
introduce v
introduction n
invent v
invention n
invite v
iron n & v
island n
it prop.
its pron
itself pron
jacket n
January n
Japan n
Japanese n & a
jeans n
job n
join v
joke n & v
joy n
juice n
July n
jump v
June n
just a & ad
keep (kept, kept) v
key n
keyboard n
kick v & n
kid n
kill v
kilo = kilogram n
kilometre n
kind1 a
kind2 n
king n
kiss n & v
kitchen n
kite n
knee n
knife (pl. knives) n
knock v & n
know (knew, known) v
knowledge n
lab = laboratory n
labour (Am labor) n
lady n
lake n
lamb n
lamp n
land n & v
language n
large a
last� a & v
late a & ad
laugh n & v
law n
lay (laid, laid) v
lazy a
lead (led, led) v
leader n
leaf (pl. leaves) n
learn (learnt, learnt) v
least n
leave (left, left) v
left a & n
leg n
lemonade n
lend (lent, lent) v
lesson n
let (let, let) v
letter n
level n
library n
license n
lie1 (lay, lain) v
lie2 v & n
life n
lift v
light n, v & a
like v & prep
line n
lion n
list n & v
listen v
little a
litter (less, least) v & n
live v
lively a
lock n & v
London n
lonely a
long a
look v & n
lose (lost, lost) v
lot n
loud a
love v & n
lovely a
low a & ad
luck n
lucky a
lunch n
第1个回答  2019-11-30
第2个回答  2019-12-19
第3个回答  2019-02-06
第4个回答  2020-01-21