
4.1.2 市场细分、目标定位
目前大部分居民主要是以个人储蓄作为个人财产保值的主要手段,然而事实上,居民已经无法通过储蓄给自己带来太大的收益。但是仍然有60%以上的中国普通居民理财倾向于储蓄。来自国家统计局2007年国民经济和社会发展统计公报显示:截至2007年12月,城乡居民人民币储蓄存款余额已经突破17.25万亿元 ,创造了历史新高。如图1.2所示。

4.1.2 Market segmentation, targeting

At present the majority of the population based on their personal savings, personal property as a primary means of preserving and increasing, but a matter of fact, residents have not brought about through savings to their income too much. However, there are still more than 60% of China's ordinary people tend to fiscal savings. National Bureau of Statistics in 2007 from the National Economic and Social Development Statistical Bulletin show that: As of December 2007, renminbi savings deposits of urban and rural residents has exceeded the balance of 17.25 trillion yuan, has created an all-time high. As shown in Figure 1.2.

People in the hands of a large number of idle funds, but due to a lack of investment management expertise and skills, and can not be achieved through value-added financial management to achieve this purpose. National Bureau of Statistics in 2004 Monitoring Center of China's economic boom to a survey conducted showed that 70% of surveyed residents want financial institutions and professional guidance adviser.

A long time, the personal business of domestic commercial banks is only a means of financing, the banks provided to the individual customers of the popular service is non-discriminatory services. As the market competition, domestic commercial banks should be gradually introduced the concept of market segmentation, to establish customer-centric business philosophy. To target customers based on customer needs based on new product development services, there is a difference, the selective marketing of financial products and customer service, according to the customer at various stages, different industries and different risk preferences for the design of personalized financial management plan.

Market segments, the implementation of differentiation, at different levels of service require banks to carry out market segmentation on the one hand, to determine the commercial banks to develop target groups, to take the initiative to target customers. On the other hand, we must comprehensively strengthen the customer relationship management, providing customers with comprehensive service. However, in the good market segmentation of customers should be noted at the same time, commercial banks have a strong imitation, and the commercial banks now have to win in product innovation, in the current situation is not a permanent solution, only for temporary benefits. Only when consumers and the market established a good personal finance their own brand image in order to stand out all kinds of banking services and greatly improve their own value-added brands.
第1个回答  2009-05-31
4.1.2 市场细分、目标定位
目前大部分居民主要是以个人储蓄作为个人财产保值的主要手段,然而事实上,居民已经无法通过储蓄给自己带来太大的收益。但是仍然有60%以上的中国普通居民理财倾向于储蓄。来自国家统计局2007年国民经济和社会发展统计公报显示:截至2007年12月,城乡居民人民币储蓄存款余额已经突破17.25万亿元 ,创造了历史新高。如图1.2所示。
4.1.2 Market segmentation, targeting
At present the majority of the population based on their personal savings, personal property as a primary means of preserving and increasing, but a matter of fact, residents have not brought about through savings to their income too much. However, there are still more than 60% of China's ordinary people tend to fiscal savings. National Bureau of Statistics in 2007 from the National Economic and Social Development Statistical Bulletin show that: As of December 2007, renminbi savings deposits of urban and rural residents has exceeded the balance of 17.25 trillion yuan, has created an all-time high. As shown in Figure 1.2.
People in the hands of a large number of idle funds, but due to a lack of investment management expertise and skills, and can not be achieved through value-added financial management to achieve this purpose. National Bureau of Statistics in 2004 Monitoring Center of China's economic boom to a survey conducted showed that 70% of surveyed residents want financial institutions and professional guidance adviser.
A long time, the personal business of domestic commercial banks is only a means of financing, the banks provided to the individual customers of the popular service is non-discriminatory services. As the market competition, domestic commercial banks should be gradually introduced the concept of market segmentation, to establish customer-centric business philosophy. To target customers based on customer needs based on new product development services, there is a difference, the selective marketing of financial products and customer service, according to the customer at various stages, different industries and different risk preferences for the design of personalized financial management plan.
Market segments, the implementation of differentiation, at different levels of service require banks to carry out market segmentation on the one hand, to determine the commercial banks to develop target groups, to take the initiative to target customers. On the other hand, we must comprehensively strengthen the customer relationship management, providing customers with comprehensive service. However, in the good market segmentation of customers should be noted at the same time, commercial banks have a strong imitation, and the commercial banks now have to win in product innovation, in the current situation is not a permanent solution, only for temporary benefits. Only when consumers and the market established a good personal finance their own brand image in order to stand out all kinds of banking services and greatly improve their own value-added brands.
第2个回答  2009-05-31
People in the hands of a large number of idle funds, but due to a lack of investment management expertise and skills, and can not be achieved through value-added financial management to achieve this purpose. National Bureau of Statistics in 2004 Monitoring Center of China's economic boom to a survey conducted showed that 70% of surveyed residents want financial institutions and professional guidance adviser.