

The story is very miraculous, for example saying a fisherman to open an ancient altar son, but the inside came out a giant.There is a head of donkey to open mouth, dropped gold then.A person finds out a treasure to hide, having a big dog side ···five stories are all very miraculous, but all have a satisfactory good final outcome.
Jonah denier Jonathan Swift, Swift (1667-1745) was born in Dublin, Ireland, a poor family raised by his uncle. 1686, 1692 and obtain in 1701 respectively at trinity college, Dublin, Oxford University, bachelor degree and at trinity college, theology doctoral degree. Here was deng Bohr jazz private secretary, the church of England clergy and village priests, etc. 1710 to 1714 for tories cabinet ministers Ed the investigation, tories, he will return after in Dublin, Ireland, holy pat Nick cathedral vice bishop. A swift to political satire and attack the landlord and poetry etc, British colonialism readers a warm welcome. And his satire is novel and therefore more influence in the world, "said his golgi great literature is one of the creators of".

Gulliver's travels is a wonderful book, it is not merely a children's books, but full of literary criticism and combine masterpiece, the famous British writer George Orwell life can read the six times, he said: "if I open a list of other books bibliography, even when are destroyed and keep the six books, I will put gulliver's travels." In this book, the narrative skills and swift to get incisively and vividly the irony of reflection.

The master works MEL kilometers surgeons, a British gulliver careers after captain, He received a good education, for motherland proud in vocational and political seems quite knowledgeable in nature, but he is a mediocre man, and the protagonist of the swift this limitation to the full of irony. Composed by four volumes, the book in each coil gulliver facing unimaginably special circumstances.

The first volume is gulliver in small states (the title), made with the levites who made gulliver in proportion to the size of for more than a dozen, the residents there is only 6 inches, gulliver place oneself among them, like a giant mountain ". At first he was bound up little people, but because he is allowed to accept certain conditions, docile, small countries agree to restore his freedom. At this time, the country is being attacked by another small states (blefuscu) invasion, wade across the enemy gulliver's fleet of ships, forcing the enemy summation of contradiction. Although gulliver's made, but later in a few things because of the king, the king decided against spurs blind eyes, he will he starved to death. Gulliver, cut that escaped to neighboring countries, fix a boat, sail home.

The second volume describe the encounter in gulliver. In this volume, once again, the sea when confronted gulliver in the storm, the ship was in a strange land to. This land is BuDing block nanowires (adult). The residents there is tower height. Here, by a gulliver "giant mountain" into a gnome, in adults, himself into a small states (the title) set, proportion reversed, and became a than twelve. The farmer in adults, size, as the mole gulliver as a plaything home by farmers. In order to make money, farmers have brought him to town, let him, for people to view and admire. Juggling Later he was queen, buy to the king with adults. Gradually, the increasingly intense nostalgia's gulliver in time, with the border patrol when pretended illness, go to the seaside for a breath of fresh air. When he was in the shore into small wooden bed, a great eagle cases will. Then, passing into the sea wooden ships found inside again, finally rescued gulliver in Britain.

The writing is flying island. This volume is loose, spread more open, write to him (skin gulliver fly island), also traveled as the center, bobby, nanotubes Lagrange Baltimore, Flo big cones and Japan where four travel.

The fourth volume described in a Malaysian (" gulliver Yin comet "). This is the most controversial section. There, by the wisdom and rational gulliver's exile, filled with wisdom Yin back that sadly he bore him but now that he hates, anger and helpless and a bunch of "wild beard" spend the rest of your life.

格列佛游记 还是简介这么长 In these fictional country can find traces of the British society. Works reflects the first half of the eighteenth century, British social contradictions in the British political system made bitter ironies. If the kingdom people represent the high-heeled shoes, then whigs and low heel shoes represents the tories, about breaking eggs from the end of a dozen dozen or debate reflects religious wars. Hero gulliver hardworking, brave, witty, and kindness. Rich imagination, design works, a colorful world. Fantasy and reality of the organic unity is the biggest characteristic of this work. The first edition sold within a week, and it has been translated into French and Dutch. The 18th centaury appeared adaptation of the brochure. The tower of London bart press published for the first time in 1805, the special children's version of three color coated with illustrations. So far only commonly involve gulliver's version in small states and adult kingdom adventures. Gulliver's travels to Britain and the world of children's literature has had a significant impact, especially its hook to describe bizarre in Britain, a pioneering children literature 乔纳森·斯威夫特(又译作江奈生·斯威夫特或约拿旦·斯威夫特)(1667~1745),以讽刺作家名垂青史。英国18世纪前期最优秀的讽刺作家和政论家,他出生于爱尔兰首府都柏林,兼有爱尔兰和英国的血统。六岁上学,在基尔凯尼学校读了八年。1682年进都柏林著名的三一学院学习,他除了对历史和诗歌有兴趣外,别的一概不喜欢,还是学校“特别通融”才获得学位。之后,他在三一学院继续读硕士,后获得神学博士学位。1688年,爱尔兰面临英国军队的入侵,他前往英国寻找出路。
作品的主人公里梅尔·格列佛是个英国外科医生,后升任船长;他受过良好教育,为祖国而自豪,在职业和政治两方面似乎都颇有见识,可是他本质上却是一个平庸的人,而斯威夫特正是利用了主人公的这种局限达到了最充分的讽刺效果。 全书由四卷组成,在每一卷中格列佛都要面临常人难以想象的特殊情况。
接着,格列佛来到巫人岛.岛上的总督精通魔法,能随意召唤任何鬼魂,格列佛因此会见了古代的许多名人,结果发现史书上的记载很多不符合史实,甚至是非颠倒.尔 后,格列佛又游览了拉格耐格王国,见到一种长生不老人"斯特鲁布鲁格".离开该国后,格列佛来到日本,然后乘船回到英国.
第一章:小人国 第二章:大人国 第三章:飞岛国 第四章:慧骃国
【佛林奈浦(财政大臣)】猜忌、阴险、狠毒、狡诈。 相关情节:格列佛的仁怀宽厚和俘获不来夫斯古国舰队的军功受到小人国国王的赏识,佛林奈浦就大为恼火,并怀疑格列佛与自己的妻子通奸,就联络其他大臣设谋陷害、大加污蔑,最后迫使格列佛逃往不来夫斯古。
【斯开瑞士(海军大将)】嫉妒、阴险、狡黠。 相关情节:小人国的国王野心勃勃,在与邻国不来夫斯古战争中,格列佛涉过海峡把不来夫斯古国大部分舰队俘获过来,从此格列佛受到小人国国王重用,斯开瑞士就大为不满,与财政大臣合谋谋害格列佛。
【布罗卜丁奈格国王】是位博学、理智、仁慈、治国能力强的开明国君。 相关情节:布罗卜丁奈格国王博学多识,性情善良,他用理智、公理、仁慈来治理国家,他厌恶格列佛所说的卑劣的政客、流血的战争。
【小人国王后】小气,贪慕虚荣 。
第1个回答  2009-04-10
  著名童话五则 The story is very miraculous, for example saying a fisherman to open an ancient altar son, but the inside came out a giant.There is a head of donkey to open mouth, dropped gold then.A person finds out a treasure to hide, having a big dog side ···five stories are all very miraculous, but all have a satisfactory good final outcome.
  Jonah denier Jonathan Swift, Swift (1667-1745) was born in Dublin, Ireland, a poor family raised by his uncle. 1686, 1692 and obtain in 1701 respectively at trinity college, Dublin, Oxford University, bachelor degree and at trinity college, theology doctoral degree. Here was deng Bohr jazz private secretary, the church of England clergy and village priests, etc. 1710 to 1714 for tories cabinet ministers Ed the investigation, tories, he will return after in Dublin, Ireland, holy pat Nick cathedral vice bishop. A swift to political satire and attack the landlord and poetry etc, British colonialism readers a warm welcome. And his satire is novel and therefore more influence in the world, "said his golgi great literature is one of the creators of".

  Gulliver's travels is a wonderful book, it is not merely a children's books, but full of literary criticism and combine masterpiece, the famous British writer George Orwell life can read the six times, he said: "if I open a list of other books bibliography, even when are destroyed and keep the six books, I will put gulliver's travels." In this book, the narrative skills and swift to get incisively and vividly the irony of reflection.

  The master works MEL kilometers surgeons, a British gulliver careers after captain, He received a good education, for motherland proud in vocational and political seems quite knowledgeable in nature, but he is a mediocre man, and the protagonist of the swift this limitation to the full of irony. Composed by four volumes, the book in each coil gulliver facing unimaginably special circumstances.

  The first volume is gulliver in small states (the title), made with the levites who made gulliver in proportion to the size of for more than a dozen, the residents there is only 6 inches, gulliver place oneself among them, like a giant mountain ". At first he was bound up little people, but because he is allowed to accept certain conditions, docile, small countries agree to restore his freedom. At this time, the country is being attacked by another small states (blefuscu) invasion, wade across the enemy gulliver's fleet of ships, forcing the enemy summation of contradiction. Although gulliver's made, but later in a few things because of the king, the king decided against spurs blind eyes, he will he starved to death. Gulliver, cut that escaped to neighboring countries, fix a boat, sail home.

  The second volume describe the encounter in gulliver. In this volume, once again, the sea when confronted gulliver in the storm, the ship was in a strange land to. This land is BuDing block nanowires (adult). The residents there is tower height. Here, by a gulliver "giant mountain" into a gnome, in adults, himself into a small states (the title) set, proportion reversed, and became a than twelve. The farmer in adults, size, as the mole gulliver as a plaything home by farmers. In order to make money, farmers have brought him to town, let him, for people to view and admire. Juggling Later he was queen, buy to the king with adults. Gradually, the increasingly intense nostalgia's gulliver in time, with the border patrol when pretended illness, go to the seaside for a breath of fresh air. When he was in the shore into small wooden bed, a great eagle cases will. Then, passing into the sea wooden ships found inside again, finally rescued gulliver in Britain.

  The writing is flying island. This volume is loose, spread more open, write to him (skin gulliver fly island), also traveled as the center, bobby, nanotubes Lagrange Baltimore, Flo big cones and Japan where four travel.

  The fourth volume described in a Malaysian (" gulliver Yin comet "). This is the most controversial section. There, by the wisdom and rational gulliver's exile, filled with wisdom Yin back that sadly he bore him but now that he hates, anger and helpless and a bunch of "wild beard" spend the rest of your life.

  格列佛游记 还是简介这么长 In these fictional country can find traces of the British society. Works reflects the first half of the eighteenth century, British social contradictions in the British political system made bitter ironies. If the kingdom people represent the high-heeled shoes, then whigs and low heel shoes represents the tories, about breaking eggs from the end of a dozen dozen or debate reflects religious wars. Hero gulliver hardworking, brave, witty, and kindness. Rich imagination, design works, a colorful world. Fantasy and reality of the organic unity is the biggest characteristic of this work. The first edition sold within a week, and it has been translated into French and Dutch. The 18th centaury appeared adaptation of the brochure. The tower of London bart press published for the first time in 1805, the special children's version of three color coated with illustrations. So far only commonly involve gulliver's version in small states and adult kingdom adventures. Gulliver's travels to Britain and the world of children's literature has had a significant impact, especially its hook to describe bizarre in Britain, a pioneering children literature本回答被提问者采纳
第2个回答  2009-04-19
The story is very miraculous, for example saying a fisherman to open an ancient altar son, but the inside came out a giant.There is a head of donkey to open mouth, dropped gold then.A person finds out a treasure to hide, having a big dog side ···five stories are all very miraculous, but all have a satisfactory good final outcome.
Jonah denier Jonathan Swift, Swift (1667-1745) was born in Dublin, Ireland, a poor family raised by his uncle. 1686, 1692 and obtain in 1701 respectively at trinity college, Dublin, Oxford University, bachelor degree and at trinity college, theology doctoral degree. Here was deng Bohr jazz private secretary, the church of England clergy and village priests, etc. 1710 to 1714 for tories cabinet ministers Ed the investigation, tories, he will return after in Dublin, Ireland, holy pat Nick cathedral vice bishop. A swift to political satire and attack the landlord and poetry etc, British colonialism readers a warm welcome. And his satire is novel and therefore more influence in the world, "said his golgi great literature is one of the creators of".

Gulliver's travels is a wonderful book, it is not merely a children's books, but full of literary criticism and combine masterpiece, the famous British writer George Orwell life can read the six times, he said: "if I open a list of other books bibliography, even when are destroyed and keep the six books, I will put gulliver's travels." In this book, the narrative skills and swift to get incisively and vividly the irony of reflection.

The master works MEL kilometers surgeons, a British gulliver careers after captain, He received a good education, for motherland proud in vocational and political seems quite knowledgeable in nature, but he is a mediocre man, and the protagonist of the swift this limitation to the full of irony. Composed by four volumes, the book in each coil gulliver facing unimaginably special circumstances.

The first volume is gulliver in small states (the title), made with the levites who made gulliver in proportion to the size of for more than a dozen, the residents there is only 6 inches, gulliver place oneself among them, like a giant mountain ". At first he was bound up little people, but because he is allowed to accept certain conditions, docile, small countries agree to restore his freedom. At this time, the country is being attacked by another small states (blefuscu) invasion, wade across the enemy gulliver's fleet of ships, forcing the enemy summation of contradiction. Although gulliver's made, but later in a few things because of the king, the king decided against spurs blind eyes, he will he starved to death. Gulliver, cut that escaped to neighboring countries, fix a boat, sail home.

The second volume describe the encounter in gulliver. In this volume, once again, the sea when confronted gulliver in the storm, the ship was in a strange land to. This land is BuDing block nanowires (adult). The residents there is tower height. Here, by a gulliver "giant mountain" into a gnome, in adults, himself into a small states (the title) set, proportion reversed, and became a than twelve. The farmer in adults, size, as the mole gulliver as a plaything home by farmers. In order to make money, farmers have brought him to town, let him, for people to view and admire. Juggling Later he was queen, buy to the king with adults. Gradually, the increasingly intense nostalgia's gulliver in time, with the border patrol when pretended illness, go to the seaside for a breath of fresh air. When he was in the shore into small wooden bed, a great eagle cases will. Then, passing into the sea wooden ships found inside again, finally rescued gulliver in Britain.

The writing is flying island. This volume is loose, spread more open, write to him (skin gulliver fly island), also traveled as the center, bobby, nanotubes Lagrange Baltimore, Flo big cones and Japan where four travel.

The fourth volume described in a Malaysian (" gulliver Yin comet "). This is the most controversial section. There, by the wisdom and rational gulliver's exile, filled with wisdom Yin back that sadly he bore him but now that he hates, anger and helpless and a bunch of "wild beard" spend the rest of your life.

格列佛游记 还是简介这么长 In these fictional country can find traces of the British society. Works reflects the first half of the eighteenth century, British social contradictions in the British political system made bitter ironies. If the kingdom people represent the high-heeled shoes, then whigs and low heel shoes represents the tories, about breaking eggs from the end of a dozen dozen or debate reflects religious wars. Hero gulliver hardworking, brave, witty, and kindness. Rich imagination, design works, a colorful world. Fantasy and reality of the organic unity is the biggest characteristic of this work. The first edition sold within a week, and it has been translated into French and Dutch. The 18th centaury appeared adaptation of the brochure. The tower of London bart press published for the first time in 1805, the special children's version of three color coated with illustrations. So far only commonly involve gulliver's version in small states and adult kingdom adventures. Gulliver's travels to Britain and the world of children's literature has had a significant impact, especially its hook to describe bizarre in Britain, a pioneering children literature