
急求一份关于五四青年节的英语演讲稿。要有汉语翻译! 是诗歌的最好!

Youth Day (青年节) in the People's Republic of China is on May 4. It was established in December 1949 by the Government Administration Council to commemorate the beginning of the May Fourth Movement in 1919. This day is known as ...

May Fourth Movement

Chinese intellectual revolution and sociopolitical reform movement (1917 – 21). In 1915 young intellectuals inspired by Chen Duxiu began agitating for the reform and strengthening of Chinese society through acceptance of Western science, democracy, and schools of thought, one objective being to make China strong enough to resist Western imperialism. On May 4, 1919, reformist zeal found focus in a protest by Beijing's students against the Versailles Peace Conference's decision to transfer former German concessions in China to Japan. After more than a month of demonstrations, strikes, and boycotts of Japanese goods, the government gave way and refused to sign the peace treaty with Germany. The movement spurred the successful reorganization of the Nationalist Party and gave birth to the Chinese Communist Party. See also Treaty of Versailles.

第1个回答  2009-04-10
Youth Day (青年节) in the People's Republic of China is on May 4. It was established in December 1949 by the Government Administration Council to commemorate the beginning of the May Fourth Movement in 1919. This day is known as ...

May Fourth Movement

Chinese intellectual revolution and sociopolitical reform movement (1917 – 21). In 1915 young intellectuals inspired by Chen Duxiu began agitating for the reform and strengthening of Chinese society through acceptance of Western science, democracy, and schools of thought, one objective being to make China strong enough to resist Western imperialism. On May 4, 1919, reformist zeal found focus in a protest by Beijing's students against the Versailles Peace Conference's decision to transfer former German concessions in China to Japan. After more than a month of demonstrations, strikes, and boycotts of Japanese goods, the government gave way and refused to sign the peace treaty with Germany. The movement spurred the successful reorganization of the Nationalist Party and gave birth to the Chinese Communist Party. See also Treaty of Versailles.



中国智力革命和社会政治改革运动( 1917年至1921年) 。青年知识分子于1915年由陈独秀开始鼓动改革和加强华人社会通过接受西方科学,民主,和学校的思想,一个目标是使中国强大到足以抵御西方帝国主义。关于1919年5月4日,改革派的热情,发现重点抗议北京的学生对凡尔赛和平会议的决定,特许权转让前德国在华日本。经过1个多月的示威游行,罢工和抵制日货,政府给予的方式,并拒绝签署和平条约与德国。该运动的成功重组引发的民族主义党和生下共产党。又见凡尔赛条约。
第2个回答  2009-04-23
Youth Day (青年节) in the People's Republic of China is on May 4. It was established in December 1949 by the Government Administration Council to commemorate the beginning of the May Fourth Movement in 1919. This day is known as ...

May Fourth Movement

Chinese intellectual revolution and sociopolitical reform movement (1917 – 21). In 1915 young intellectuals inspired by Chen Duxiu began agitating for the reform and strengthening of Chinese society through acceptance of Western science, democracy, and schools of thought, one objective being to make China strong enough to resist Western imperialism. On May 4, 1919, reformist zeal found focus in a protest by Beijing's students against the Versailles Peace Conference's decision to transfer former German concessions in China to Japan. After more than a month of demonstrations, strikes, and boycotts of Japanese goods, the government gave way and refused to sign the peace treaty with Germany. The movement spurred the successful reorganization of the Nationalist Party and gave birth to the Chinese Communist Party. See also Treaty of Versailles.



中国智力革命和社会政治改革运动( 1917年至1921年) 。青年知识分子于1915年由陈独秀开始鼓动改革和加强华人社会通过接受西方科学,民主,和学校的思想,一个目标是使中国强大到足以抵御西方帝国主义。关于1919年5月4日,改革派的热情,发现重点抗议北京的学生对凡尔赛和平会议的决定,特许权转让前德国在华日本。经过1个多月的示威游行,罢工和抵制日货,政府给予的方式,并拒绝签署和平条约与德国。该运动的成功重组引发的民族主义党和生下共产党。又见凡尔赛条约。