
beat强节奏 ceiling天花板 fatch拿来 pardon请再说一次 raise举起 forgive原谅 treasure珍爱 stay in touch保持联系 owe归功于 pay back偿还 kindness体贴 patience耐心 gift恩赐 fair公平 model典型 role model楷模 value价值 decision决定 graduate毕业生


beat: There are four beats in this measure.(这一小节有四拍)
ceiling: The new houses in this locality have very high ceilings.(这个地区的新房子天花板甚高)
fetch: Fetch your supper yourself.(你自己去拿晚餐吧)
pardon: I beg your pardon, I suppose I should have knocked.(请原谅,我想我应该先敲一下门)
raise: He raised his glass and said, "Your health."(他举起杯子说道"祝你健康")
forgive: We forgive him his rudeness.(我们原谅了他的无礼)
treasure: We treasure our friendship.(我们珍惜我们之间的友谊)
stay in touch: She decided that she would no longer stay in touch with him.(她决定中断与他的联系)
owe: We owe to Newton the principle of gravitation.(我们全靠牛顿才知道的引力的原理)
pay back: How can we pay you back for your great help?(我们怎么才能报答你的恩惠呢?)
kindness: Her kindness baffled description.(她的仁慈令人无法形容)
patience: My patience is exhausted.(我没有耐性了)
gift: He was gifted with a good voice.(他天生一个好嗓子)
fair: That's a fair comment.(那是公正的评价)
model: His mother is a model of industry.(他母亲是勤劳的模范)
role model: He is a role model.(他是个模范)
value: The value of the dollar may fall.(美元的币值可能下降)
decision: It is a sudden decision.(这是一个突然的决定)
graduate: She is a psychology graduate of University of Pennsylvania.(她是菲律宾大学心理系毕业生)
第1个回答  2009-04-10
1.Fetch me my clothes.拿过我的衣服来。
2.Let's stay in touch.让我们保持联系。
3.He's a graduate from Peking University.他是北大毕业生。
4.My efforts paid back.我的努力有了回报。
5.It's his kindness and patience that makes ma succeed.是他的体贴和耐心祝我成功。
回答者: houtest - 初入江湖 二级 4-10 06:04
beat: There are four beats in this measure.(这一小节有四拍)
ceiling: The new houses in this locality have very high ceilings.(这个地区的新房子天花板甚高)
fetch: Fetch your supper yourself.(你自己去拿晚餐吧)
pardon: I beg your pardon, I suppose I should have knocked.(请原谅,我想我应该先敲一下门)
raise: He raised his glass and said, "Your health."(他举起杯子说道"祝你健康")
forgive: We forgive him his rudeness.(我们原谅了他的无礼)
treasure: We treasure our friendship.(我们珍惜我们之间的友谊)
stay in touch: She decided that she would no longer stay in touch with him.(她决定中断与他的联系)
owe: We owe to Newton the principle of gravitation.(我们全靠牛顿才知道的引力的原理)
pay back: How can we pay you back for your great help?(我们怎么才能报答你的恩惠呢?)
kindness: Her kindness baffled description.(她的仁慈令人无法形容)
patience: My patience is exhausted.(我没有耐性了)
gift: He was gifted with a good voice.(他天生一个好嗓子)
fair: That's a fair comment.(那是公正的评价)
model: His mother is a model of industry.(他母亲是勤劳的模范)
role model: He is a role model.(他是个模范)
value: The value of the dollar may fall.(美元的币值可能下降)
decision: It is a sudden decision.(这是一个突然的决定)
graduate: She is a psychology graduate of University of Pennsylvania.(她是菲律宾大学心理系毕业生)


第2个回答  2009-04-10
1.Fetch me my clothes.拿过我的衣服来。
2.Let's stay in touch.让我们保持联系。
3.He's a graduate from Peking University.他是北大毕业生。
4.My efforts paid back.我的努力有了回报。
5.It's his kindness and patience that makes ma succeed.是他的体贴和耐心祝我成功。
第3个回答  2009-04-11
" ①辈孖啲爱_ - 见习魔法师 二级" 这种人太缺德,为了得分复制 1,2楼的
第4个回答  2009-04-10