
3《.荷马史诗 》12-9BC
A.《伊里亚特》阿喀琉斯的父母举行婚礼时忘了邀请不合女神厄里斯,厄里斯来到宴会上扔下一个金苹果,上写“赠给最美的女子”。天后赫拉、智慧女神雅典娜和爱神阿弗洛狄忒各自许诺给特洛伊的王子帕里斯以最大的好处,其中阿弗洛狄忒要给他世界上最美的女子。帕里斯到斯巴达做客时拐走了国王美丽的妻子海伦,由此引发了十年的特洛伊战争。人物:赫克托耳 阿喀琉斯 阿伽门农
“悲剧之父”埃斯库罗斯 作品:《普罗米修斯》
柏拉图 《理想国》,书中描写了他理想中的雅典城邦的政治、道德、军事等。他认为世界上存在着一个绝对的“理式”。文艺是对现实的模仿,现实是对理式的模仿,因此文艺只是模仿的模仿,影子的影子。诗产生于从神那里获得的灵感。
麻烦帮我翻译成比较简单的英文哦 呵呵 谢谢了

A literature of ancient Greece
1. European ancient literature mainly refers to the 9th century BC to the 1st century ago in Europe have on the local literature, one of the most brilliant and most representative of ancient Greek literature and literature of ancient Rome.
Europe, the ancient native cultures before the 12th century BC, known as the Crete - Mycenaean culture, also known as the Aegean culture.
Before the 11th century BC to the 8th century, known as "Homer the times" or "heroic era", the European culture since ancient times give way to the ancient Greek culture.
2. Greek mythology
A. God's story. Including the emergence of God, God's genealogy, God's daily life and the origin of mankind. Such as the large family of God, Zeus is the king of the gods, Poseidon the sea god, Apollo the sun god is the god of war Ares.
B. The Legend of Heroes. A hero who was born as a God and future generations. Such as the famous hero of the story on, the Trojan War, Jason steal the Golden Fleece.
3. "Homer's epic" 12-9BC
A. "Iliad," Achilles at the wedding of their parents forgot to invite the goddess Eris not, came to the banquet, Eris threw down a golden apple, write "Presented to the most beautiful woman." Days after Hera, goddess of wisdom Athena and Eros阿弗洛狄themis their promise to the Prince Paris of Troy to the greatest benefit, in which listeria阿弗洛狄him the world's most beautiful woman. Visit to Sparta when Paris abducted the beautiful wife, Helen King, which triggered a decade of the Trojan War. WHO: Hector Achilles Agamemnon
B. "The Odyssey" after the end of the Trojan War, Odysseus's journey home, and his wife's suitors are punished.
"Homer's epic" The main thing is sing the praises of the Greek nation's glory and wisdom to overcome all difficulties eulogize the spirit of optimism, and affirmed the value of life.
4. The ancient Greek poetry and Aesop's Fables
Hirsch Russia and Germany is the didactic poem "farming with the time." Poetess Sappho, like to write love poems, sad mood, beautiful words and phrases. Anacreon sing the praises of wine and love, goods up to sing the praises of God.
"Aesop's Fables," It is said that ancient Greek slave Aesop's. Mainly through the words and deeds of some animals to the moral lessons寄寓. If the story of the fox and the crane, the simple case of more than people want to go in a relaxed western popular proverb: "He who laughs last, laughs best before."
5. Ancient Greek drama
"The father of tragedy" works Aeschylus: "Prometheus"
Sophocles "Oedipus Rex"
Oliver Peters "Medea"
"Father of Comedy" Aristophanes "bird"
6. The ancient Greek prose (including speech, philosophy and history books)
Democritus advocated art imitate nature, that "in many important matters, we are to imitate animals, beasts of the primary and secondary school students do."
Socrates, the purpose of publicity of theology that the world does not exist objective laws of things, everything is arranged by God.
Plato's "Utopia", the book describes his ideal city-state of Athens, the political, moral, and military. He believes that the existence of the world, an absolute "argument type." Literary imitation of reality, the reality is the rationale of imitation, it is only imitation imitate art, the shadow of a shadow. Poems have received from God's inspiration.
Aristotle's "Poetics" He believes art is to imitate the real world rather than the rationale for style. He advocated the "tragedy of the purification that" (a tragedy caused by means of pity and fear, the audience can give vent to their feelings of satisfaction to be) "People said the fault" (often the outcome of the tragedy was due to fault of their own characters, and and not necessarily the traditional fate or karma)