

one hundred and fifty-four centimeters(154 cm)
one hundred and fifty-seven centimeters(157 cm)
one hundred and eighty-three centimeters(183 cm)
one hundred and forty-four centimeters(144 cm)
one hundred and ninety-two centimeters(192 cm)
one hundred and thirty-six centimeters(136 cm)
one hundred and twenty-one centimeters(121 cm)
one hundred and eighteen centimeters(118 cm)
第1个回答  2013-03-12
one hundred and fifty-four centimeters(154 cm)
one hundred and fifty-seven centimeters(157 cm)
one hundred and eighty-three centimeters(183 cm)
one hundred and forty-four centimeters(144 cm)
one hundred and ninety-two centimeters(192 cm)
one hundred and thirty-six centimeters(136 cm)
one hundred and twenty-one centimeters(121 cm)
one hundred and eighteen centimeters(118 cm)
第2个回答  2011-03-03
one hundredand and fifty-four centimeters(154)one hundredand and fifty-seven centimeters(157) one hundredand and eighty-theer centimeters(183) one hundredand and forty-four centimeters(144) one hundredand and ninety-two centimeters(192) one hundredand and thirty-six centimeters(136) one hundredand and twenty-one centimeters(121) one hundredand and eighteen centimeters(118) 呵呵 我还是六年级的 刚学的厘米centimeter这个单词 就给你用拉!
第3个回答  2011-03-03
154, 157, 183, 144, 192, 136 and 121, 118 centimeters
第4个回答  2011-03-04
One hundred and fifty four centimetres 154
One hundred and fifty seven centimetres 157
One hundred and eighty three centimetres 183
One hundred and forty four centimetres 144
One hundred and ninety two centimetres 192
One hundred and thirty six centimetres 136
One hundred and twenty one centimetres 121
One hundred and eighteen centimetres 118
