
1 我的大学坐落在一个交通便利,历史悠久的城市,她有浓厚的学术氛围、充满青春的活力
2 我的父母都是十分勤劳的工人,他们使我独立,自爱并给我最好的教育。
3 我记得曾经我听过一句话,叫做“------”,我觉得它充满了温情。
4 我爱我的父母就像他们爱我那样,我希望他们永远健康幸福下去。
5 当我在高中的时候我就喜欢了化学,所以我在大学选择了化学这个专业。
6 电影里有一句话我非常喜欢“------------”但是,我认为,只要付出了努力,等待我的一定是收获。

1. I am from **(你的学校名字)university ,which is loacated in a city with convenient traffic and long history.Our university has deep academic atmosphere, and full of youthful vitality.
2.My parents are both industrious worker. they have endowed me independence, self-esteem and given me the best education.
3. I remember I have heard a chinese poem "悠悠寸草心,报得三春晖" , I think it is filled with warmth.
4. I love my parents so much ,just like they love me, that I wish they would be healthy and happy forever.
5. The reason why I choosed chemsitry as my major in college is I loved it as early as I was in high school
6. i am very fond of a saying "Nothing is diffcunlt to the man who will try." therefore , I think, there must be a harvest waiting for your efforts.(哥们,我觉得这句话最好改成一句谚语,所以我给你改了,不知道符合你要求不。)
第1个回答  2011-03-13
1 my university is located in a convenient transportation, the long history of the city, she has a strong academic atmosphere and full of youthful vitality
2 my parents are very hard workers, they make me independent, self-love and give me the best education.
3 I remember I heard a word, called "-- -", I feel it is filled with warmth.
4 I love my parents like they love me like that, I hope they never go down the health and happiness.
5 when I was in high school I like chemistry in university, so I chose chemistry this major.
Six movies have one thing I really enjoy "-- - -- -" but, I think, as long as pay diligently, waiting for my must be harvested.