
few a few many a large number of a lot of lots of plenty of some a lot of much a little little lots of plenty of..

few: indef pron not many people, things, places, etc 很少的人、 物、 地方等
a few :indef det (used with pl [C] ns and pl vs 与复数可数名词和动词复数形式连用) a small number of; some 少数; 几个: a few letters 几封信 * a few days ago 几天前 * He asked us a few questions. 他问了我们几个问题. * A few people are coming for tea. 有几个人要来吃茶点. * Only a few (ie Not many) students were awarded distinctions.
/ ˈmenɪ; ˋmɛnɪ/ indef det, indef pron (used with pl ns or vs 与复数名词或动词连用)
many a 与a large number of 许多 (used with a sing n + sing v 与单数名词+单数动词连用):
a large number of
a lot of [ə 'lɔt əv]=lots of
许多 后面+可数、不可数人或事物
plenty of
很多; 大量 与lots of用法一样
/ sʌm; sʌm/ indef det
(used with [C] and [U] ns 与可数和不可数名词连用) (a) a number or amount of sth that is less than the total being considered 部分; 有些: Some people have naturally beautiful voices while others need to be trained. 有些人生就一副好嗓子, 有些人则需要训练. * Some modern music sounds harsh and tuneless. 现代音乐中有一些又刺耳又不成调子. (b) a considerable number or amount of 相当多的; 好些: We went some (ie several) miles out of our way. 我们偏离原定路线走了好几英里. * That is some help to us, ie It helps to a certain extent. 那对我们很有用. * I shall be gone (for) some time, ie for quite a long time. 我将有好些日子不在这儿. * The headmistress spoke at some (ie considerable) length. (女)校长讲话讲了好一会儿.
(used with sing [C] ns 与单数可数名词连用) person, place or thing that is unknown or unspecified 未知的或未确指的人、 地点或事物: Some man at the door is asking to see you. 门口有人要见你. * She won a competition in some newspaper or other. 她参加某报纸举办的比赛获胜.
(used with numbers 与数词连用) approximately 大约; 近於: He spent some twelve years of his life in Africa. 他在非洲度过了近十二个年头

much 1

1 / mʌtʃ; mʌtʃ/ indef det, indef pron (used with [U] ns; esp with negative and interrogative vs or after as, how, so, too 与不可数名词连用, 尤与否定式和疑问式动词连用或用於as、 how、 so、 too之后)
相当于: a large amount or quantity (of sth) 多的; 大量的. (a) (det): I haven't got much money. 我的钱不多. * There's never very much news on Sundays. 星期日从来就没有多少新闻. * Did you have much difficulty finding the house? 你找到这所房子很困难吗? * How much (ie What volume of) petrol do you need? 你需要多少汽油? * Take as much time as you like. 你愿意用多长时间都可以. * There was so much traffic that we were stationary for half an hour. 来往车辆很多, 我们在路上耽搁了半小时. * I have much pleasure in introducing our speaker. 我能给大家介绍我们的演讲人, 感到非常高兴. * After much applause the audience went home. 热烈掌声过后, 观众都回家去了. (b) (pron): He sat at his desk all morning but he didn't write much. 他一上午都坐在书桌前却并未写多少东西. * `Is there any mail?' `Not (very) much.' ‘有邮件吗?’‘不(太)多.’ * She never eats much for breakfast. 她早点从不多吃. * Did the President say much to you? 总统跟你说得多吗? * How much is it? ie Whatis its price? 多少钱? * Eat as much as you can. 尽量吃吧. * He drank (far) too much last night. 昨天晚上他喝得(也)太多了. * You'll find you have much to learn in your new job. 你会发现在新的工作中有很多可学的. * I lay awake much of the night. 我昨夜大部分时间都醒着. * We have much to be thankful for. 有很多事情值得我们庆幸.
a little
一点, 少许, 略微, 稍(用于不可数名词之前)
/ ˈlɪtl; ˋlɪtl/ indef det (used with [U] ns 与不可数名词连用) a small amount (of sth); not enough 小量的; 不足的; 不多的: I have very little time for reading. 我没有多少时间看书. * We had little rain all summer. 一夏天几乎没下雨. * There's little point in telling her now. 现在告诉她已没有什麽意义了. =>Usage at much1 用法见much1.
> little indef pron (used as a n when preceded by the 在the之后, 用作名词) a small amount 些少; 少量: Little of the music was recognizable. 那音乐差不多都难於辨识. * I understood little of what he said. 他说的我只听懂一点儿. * We read a lot of poetry at school I remember very little now. 我们上学时念过不少诗--现在我记得的所剩无几. * The little that I have seen of his work is satisfactory. 他的工作就我所见的那一小部分而言是令人满意的.
little adv
not much; only slightly 些少; 稍许: He is little known as an artist. 他是个不出名的艺术家. * She left little more than an hour ago. 她离开一个多钟头了. * I slept very little last night. 昨晚我睡得很少. * Little does he know (ie He doesn't know) what trouble he's in. 他对自己所处何种地步茫无所知.
(idm 习语) ,little by `little making progress slowly, gradually 一点一点地; 逐渐地: Little by little the snow disappeared. 雪渐渐消失. * His English is improving little by little. 他的英语渐有提高. ,little or `nothing hardly anything 几乎无: She said little or nothing about her experience. 她对自己的经历没怎麽透露. make little of sth (a) = make light of sth (light3). (b) understand or read hardly anything of sth 不明白; 看不懂: It's in Chinese I can make little of it. 这是中文--我一点儿都不懂. Cf 参看 less. little 3
/ ˈlɪtl; ˋlɪtl/ a little indef det (used with [U] ns 与不可数名词连用) a small amount (of sth); some but not much 少量; 些微; 稍许: a little milk, sugar, tea, etc 少许牛奶、 糖、 茶等 * Could you give a little more attention to spelling? 你稍微多注意一下拼写好吗? * I need a little help to move these books. 我需要人来帮点忙搬这些书. * It caused not a little (ie a great deal of) confusion. 这事引起很大混乱.
> a little indef pron
a small amount of sth; some but not much 少量; 些微; 稍许. (a) (referring back 用以复指前文): There was a lot of food but I only ate a little. 食物很多, 但我只吃了一点儿. * If you've got any spare milk, could you give me a little? 你要是有多余的牛奶, 能不能给我一些? (b) (referring forward 用以预指后文): I've only read a little of the book. 这书我只读过一点儿. * A little of the conversation was about politics. 谈话中只涉及少许政治问题.
(idm 习语) after/for a `little after/for a short distance or time 经过很短距离或时间: After a little he got up and left. 过了一会儿他站起来走了. * We left the car and walked for a little. 我们下了汽车走了一小段路.
a little :adv to some extent 有些; 有几分: She seemed a little afraid of going inside. 她好像有点怕往里走. * These shoes are a little too big for me. 这鞋我穿着有点大. * She was not a little (ie very) worried about the expense. 她对那笔开支相当苦恼.
第1个回答  2011-03-27
few a few many 后加可数名词复数
little a little 后加不可数名词
a lot of plenty of lots of some 既可以加可数名词 也可以加不可数名词 ,就这些了本回答被提问者采纳
第2个回答  2011-03-27
few a few many a large number of 后加可数名词复数
little a little 后加不可数名词
a lot of plenty of lots of some 既可以加可数名词 也可以加不可数名词