
Studying in an IT related course, Business and Information Technology, in Singapore Polytechnic allowed me to discover my true passion. Instead of simply enjoying the benefits that modern technology is offering me, I began to wonder what is behind the scene. Simple things like a casual game on the internet, an ATM or a HDB lift, things that people would take for granted so naturally, now I ponder how they programmed them for them to work the way they do, or even more efficiently. Now I see the technology in a new prospective, I am excited about it and appreciate what it has to offer us.

During my three years in polytechnic, I have had various opportunities to explore my interests in the computing. I took pleasure in the IT modules SP has offered me. In addition, I studied in the Diploma Plus programme, and obtained Certificate of Mathematics with good grades. I am glad that I was offered the Diploma Plus programme, as I see it as a great help for my computing modules.

Studying in an IT related course, Business and Information Technology, in Singapore Polytechnic allowed me to discover my true passion. Instead of simply enjoying the benefits that modern technology is offering me, I began to wonder what is behind the scene. Simple things like a casual game on the internet, an ATM or a HDB lift, things that people would take for granted so naturally, now I ponder how they programmed them for them to work the way they do, or even more efficiently. Now I see the technology in a new prospective, I am excited about it and appreciate what it has to offer us.
通过新加坡理工学院商务和信息技术系IT相关课程的学习,我真正找到自己的兴趣所在。除享受现代科技带来的种种利益外,我也开始考虑一些深层次的内容。网络游戏、自动柜员机(ATM)或新加坡建屋发展局(HDB)电梯等对大家而言都是司空见惯的东西,而我却在考虑:人们是如何对其进行编程,让他们乖乖工作的呢?又如何能通过编程提高它们的工作效率呢? 现在我能从一个新的角度去审视技术,对此我兴奋不已,同时感谢技术为我们提供的便利。

During my three years in polytechnic, I have had various opportunities to explore my interests in the computing. I took pleasure in the IT modules SP has offered me. In addition, I studied in the Diploma Plus programme, and obtained Certificate of Mathematics with good grades. I am glad that I was offered the Diploma Plus programme, as I see it as a great help for my computing modules.
在新加坡理工学院学习的三年来,我通过各种机会激发自己在计算方面的兴趣。学校开设的IT课程使我受益匪浅。此外,我还参加了学校的附加文凭(Diploma Plus)培训项目,以优异成绩获得数学能力证书。很高兴能接受这样的培训教育,这对我学习计算课程模块大有裨益。
第1个回答  2011-03-22
通过在新加坡理工学院学习信息技术相关课程商业和信息技术,我认识到了自己真正钟爱之所在。我开始思考背后(behind the scene)到底什么呢,而不是纯粹去享受现代技术给我带来的便利。人们会认为互联网上的休闲游戏之类的简单事情是理所当然的,而我琢磨的是(程序员是)怎么样编程使人们按照他们本来的方式运行,或者甚至更为高效地运行。现在我以一个崭新的视角看待科技,我为此兴奋不已,也认识到了科技真正提供给我们的东西。

第2个回答  2011-03-22
第3个回答  2011-03-22

第4个回答  2011-03-22
Studying in an IT related course, Business and Information Technology, in Singapore Polytechnic allowed me to discover my true passion.在新加坡理工学院学习IT相关的课程和工商管理以及信息技术课程,让我发现了自己的真正热情所在。
Instead of simply enjoying the benefits that modern technology is offering me, I began to wonder what is behind the scene. 不是简单享受现代科技给我带来的好处,而是发现了背后更重要的东西。Simple things like a casual game on the internet, an ATM or a HDB lift, things that people would take for granted so naturally, now I ponder how they programmed them for them to work the way they do, or even more efficiently. 简单的东西,如一个网上休闲游戏或ATM(自动柜员机),或建屋发展局的电梯(HDB的意思是建屋发展局,即Housing And Development Board),这些人们认为理所当然的东西,现在我都会去思考编程员是怎样给它们编程以使它们能按现在的这个方式运行,或者甚至更有效地运行。
Now I see the technology in a new prospective, I am excited about it and appreciate what it has to offer us.现在,我以更新的角度去看待科技,我为他感到兴奋,而且感激它给我们带来的一切。

During my three years in polytechnic, I have had various opportunities to explore my interests in the computing. I took pleasure in the IT modules SP has offered me. In addition, I studied in the Diploma Plus programme, and obtained Certificate of Mathematics with good grades. I am glad that I was offered the Diploma Plus programme, as I see it as a great help for my computing modules.在理工学院的三年,我有各种机会去利用电脑探索我的兴趣。我享受IT模块供应商提供给我的乐趣。此外,我还参见了附加文凭课程,以很好的成绩获得了数学课程文凭。我很高兴我被提供了附加文凭课程,我觉得它对我的电脑模块学习很有帮助。
第5个回答  2011-03-22