

Jay Chou , born 18 January 1979, is a World Music Award-winning Taiwanese musician, singer, and producer. In 1998, he was discovered in a talent contest where he showcased his piano and song-writing skills. Over the next two years, he was hired to compose for popular Chinese singers. Trained in classical music, he combines Chinese and Western music styles to produce songs that fuse R&B, rock, and pop genres, covering issues such as domestic violence, war, and urbanization.

In 2000, he released his first album titled Jay under the record company Alfa Music. Since then, he has released one album per year, selling several million copies each. His music has gained recognition throughout Asia, most notably in countries such as China, Japan, Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, Vietnam, and in overseas Chinese communities, winning more than 20 awards each year. In 2007, he was named one of the 50-most influential people in China by the British think tank Chatham House. He starred in Initial D (2005) for which he won Best Newcomer Actor in Golden Horse Awards, and was nominated for Best Supporting Actor by Hong Kong Film Awards for his role in Curse of the Golden Flower (2006). His career now extends into directing and running his own record company JVR Music.

Early life
Jay Chou grew up in the small town of Linkou, Taiwan. Both his parents were secondary school teachers: his mother Ye Hui Mei (Traditional Chinese: 叶惠美; Simplified Chinese: 叶惠美; Pinyin: Yè Huìměi) taught fine arts while his father Zhou Yao Zhong (Chinese: 周耀中; Pinyin: Zhōu Yàozhōng) was a biology instructor. His mother noticed his sensitivity to music and took him to piano lessons at the age of 4. During his childhood, he was fascinated with capturing sounds and songs with his tape recorder, something he carried everywhere with him. In the third grade, he became interested in music theory and also started cello lessons. As an only child, he enjoyed being the family's center of attention; he loved to play piano, impersonate TV actors, and perform magic tricks. His parents divorced when he was 14; as a result, he became reclusive and introverted. Although he had friends, he often preferred to be alone listening to music, contemplating and daydreaming. At Dan Jiang Senior High School, he majored in piano and minored in cello. He showed talent for improvisation, became fond of pop music and began to write songs.

Chou graduated from high school with inadequate grades for university, so he prepared for military service, which was compulsory for all Taiwanese men at the age of 18. However, a sports injury triggered by an unexplainable and severe back pain eventually led to the diagnosis of ankylosing spondylitis, a hereditary spine inflammation disease; as a result, he was exempted from conscription. Meanwhile, he found himself a job as a waiter. Without his knowing, his friend had entered both their names in a talent show called Super New Talent King. Chou played the piano accompaniment for his friend, whose singing was described as "lousy". Although they did not win, the show's host Jacky Wu—an influential character in Taiwan's entertainment business—happened to glance at Chou's music score and was impressed with its complexity. Wu hired him as a contract composer and paired him with the novice lyricist Vincent Fang (Chinese: 方文山; Pinyin: Fāng Wénshān).

Chou's debut album, JayOver the next two years he wrote songs for Chinese pop artists, and also learned recording and sound mixing; his dedication was apparent as he even slept in the music studio. There were no plans to make him a singer because his mentor Wu thought he was too shy and not good-looking. Wu's music studio was later sold to Alfa Music, and the new manager Yang Jun Rong asked him to release his own album. Chou already had an arsenal of songs he wrote for others but had been rejected, so among those he chose 10 for his debut CD Jay that was released in 2000. The album established his reputation as a musically gifted singer-songwriter whose style is a fusion of R&B, rap, classical music, and yet distinctly Chinese. His fame spread quickly not only in Chinese-speaking regions, but in non-Chinese countries as well throughout Southeast Asia. Since 2000, Chou has released one album per year, each selling several million copies (see Discography), and has been recognized with hundreds of awards. In 2003, he was the cover story of Time magazine (Asia version), acknowledging his influence on popular culture. He has held two world tours, "The One" (2002) and "Incomparable" (2004), performing in cities such as Taipei, Hong Kong, Beijing, Kuala Lumpur, Singapore, Las Vegas, and Vancouver. Unlike most singers, Chou has an enormous amount of creative control over his music. He is not only the songwriter but also the producer in all of his albums; since 2005 he is also the music director and also directs his own music videos.

While continuing to release an album yearly, he also entered the movie business with his debut role as the lead actor in Initial D, for which he won Best Newcomer at the Golden Horse Awards in 2005. The following year, Chou was cast as a supporting character in the world-wide release of Curse of the Golden Flower, starring international Chinese stars Chow Yun-Fat and Gong Li, giving Chou his brief but formal introduction to North American audiences. In February 2007, he finally fulfilled his childhood dream of being a director in The Secret That Cannot Be Told (Traditional Chinese: 不能说的秘密; Simplified Chinese: 不能说的秘密; Pinyin: bùnéng shuō de mìmì), in which he also played the main character.In March 2007, his 8-year contract with Alfa Music ended, Chou, his manager Yang Jun Rong, and lyricist Vincent Fang co-founded a new record company, JVR Music through which Chou will continue his music career and fulfill his goal of fostering new singing talent.

Movie career
Chou formally entered the film industry in 2005 with the release of the movie Initial D. He has since acted in three other movies, directed one film and more than a dozen music videos. Chou, who once said "I live because of music", ventured into movies because he felt the need for a new challenge. As fans have grown concerned that movies will compromise his music career, Chou has repeatedly reassured that movies are a source of inspiration and not a distraction; at the same time, he realizes the need to balance both careers and maintain his place in the music field to garner the continued support of fans.
第1个回答  2011-03-27
第2个回答  2011-03-25
Record companies: jewell
The zodiac: horse
Language: mandarin, Taiwanese
Nickname: jay, weekly guide, small weeks, jie ZhouDaXia, ZhouXiaoLun, prince
Education: national and beautiful bai elementary, middle school, national Taipei jinhua Taipei music families, diwan senior middle schools
Feats: music creation, production, composer, writing words, directed, magic, basketball, game
Music type: R&B, different region amorous feelings, rock, jazz, hip-hop, and blues
Specialization instruments: a piano, cello, guitars, drumming
A mantra: ouch - good oh, Victoria, pretty stuck-up, don't, don't speak thus, fart
Habit action: two fingers scissors, thumb cock, nose with her hands
Biggest advantage: stick to your own style and creativity
Biggest weakness: shy, old love to forget the word, personality impatient
Biggest wish: to travel the world each corner
Explore characters: wu
Experience: tamkang middle school choir piano accompaniment, and visual - thyme fries (unit play), music performers (role) streets, TVBS - G super rookie year in second
Family status: jay (home ZhouYaoZhong (only) father living creature teacher - retired) mother ye (high school art teacher - retired) (parents divorced)
Favorite sport: basketball
Childhood dream: to become the martial arts superstar as Bruce lee
Like girl type: long hair, the phoenix eye, filial piety, a classic beauty
The best creative partner: wenshan (word) HuangJunLang (word) ice cream (MV dance) ZhongXingMin (arranger) Lin mike (arranger) DuGuoZhang (makeup)
Movies: hayao miyazaki's any a cartoon film
Hobbies: shaking diabolo, director, play Musical Instruments of magic
Favorite items: cap, chewing gum, hip-hop cap
Collect hobby: an antique cars, antique furniture, all kinds of Musical Instruments, all kinds of silver jewelry
Favorite music: HIP - HOP, R&B, mix, JAY type love songs, Chinese wind
Favorite cartoon character: conan, doraemon, rehabilitation ~, offspring
Favorite dress: natural, comfortable, HIP HOP (simple T - SHIRT jacket and pants -), mask
Favorite color: blue, black
Favorite food: Fried chicken
Favorite drink: sweet can
Favorite musician: Chopin and liszt, yo-yo ma, long stone let
Favorite artist: jet li, Bruce lee, Jackie chan
Favorite basketball star: MICHAEL jordans
Favorite singer: Jacky cheung
Most appreciate a well-grounded entertainer: CengKai 玹, jiang, Chou, hou GaoJunJie, XiaoJunYuan, rushing magnesium
Favorite style: Chinese wind, R&B, blues
The matter dislike most: being filmed paparazzi
The most respected person: mom (ye)
The most good thing: success dump paparazzi
The most painful thing: hereditary rigidity sex spondylitis
The hardest thing: want to do more, but time, never enough
First songwriter creation: entitled "forever"
First winning records: Taiwan's TVBS news - G "super rookie program" 1997 annual runners-up
Song: three first song ji gao mei published three days
First and lover of movie: July 7 fine
First kiss location: da-an park
First kiss age: 16 before his debut







音乐类型:R&B 、异域风情、摇滚、爵士、嘻哈、蓝调








经历:淡江中学合唱团钢琴伴奏、公视--百里香煎鱼(单元剧)、街头音乐表演家(角色)、TVBS-G 超级新人王年度亚军






嗜好:抖空竹、导演、玩乐器 变魔术



最喜爱的音乐:R&B、HIP-HOP 、混搭、JAY式情歌、中国风


最喜爱的衣着:自然、舒适、HIP-HOP (简单的T-SHIRT上衣加上短裤)、口罩


最喜爱的食物: 炸鸡



最喜爱的艺人: 李连杰 、李小龙、成龙


最喜爱的歌手: 张学友









第一次得奖记录: 台湾TVBS—G《超级新人王节目》1997年度亚军

第一首发表歌曲: 三暝三日



第3个回答  2011-03-24
1 周杰伦英文名[Jay Chou]意思原解
J Jewel 宝石 受珍视的人 一个散发着宝石般光芒的Jay,被我们每个爱Jay的朋友珍视着……
A Angel 天使 A,一个开始;Angel,一个完美的开始。无须置疑,Jay就是我们的天使。
Y yak 牦牛 Jay是不是工作起来很想牦牛呢?他能带给我们每个人快乐。
C Confidence 自信 JAY随时都散发着自信的光芒,JAY的自信源自实力,源自大家的支持。
H Harvest 收获 JAY在没一张专辑中都有不少的收获~除了销量以外,又多了许多人的支持~
O Only 唯一 你是唯一的Jay,你就是我们的唯一。
U Unbeatable 无敌的,无与伦比的 还用多做解释吗本回答被网友采纳