
内容:各位老师好。我的爱好十分广泛,有唱歌,跳舞,弹钢琴等等。我也很擅长运动,such as 游泳,跑步,滑冰。I think is good for my health.我还学过马林巴,并曾在上海音乐厅演出。我喜欢的学科是数学,物理和化学。虽然我的英语不是很好,但我会很努力的学习并把它学好。希望能给我这个学习的机会,谢谢。(可以适当删减或添加,我是去某校面使用的,帮我美化点哦。语言优美点,用点好词好句,不用太长,不要用太难的词,非常感谢帮助我的人)

Good morning/ afternoon, my dear teachers,
I'm XX, a girl (boy) from XX. I have many hobbies, like singing, dancing and playing the piano.I also learned marimba and even performed in Shanghai Concert Hall. Besides, I'm good at many sports, such as swimming, running and skiing, which I think can bring good to my health.
My favourite subjects are maths, physics and chemistry. Even though my English is not very good, I will try my best to learn it well. Studying( 如果是工作就用Working) in this school will absolutely make my English well. Therefore, I hope you can give me the chance to accept it.
Here is the ending of my introduction. Thank you very much!
第1个回答  2011-03-23
You are all good. My hobby is very broad, with singing, dancing, playing the piano and so on. I am also very good at sports, such as swimming, running, skating. I think is good for my health. I also studied marimba, and has performed at the Shanghai Concert Hall. My favorite subject is math, physics and chemistry. Although my English is not very good, but I will study hard and learn it. I hope to give me this opportunity to learn, thank you. (You can delete or add the appropriate, I was going to face a school use, oh help me beautify the point. Language and beautiful point, I bet you just use the point, not too long, do not use difficult words, thanks to help me People)
第2个回答  2011-03-23
good morning, sir.I have a wide range of habbies including singing , dancing ,playing the pinao and so on .besides, I am very good at sports, such as swimming , running ,and skiing. beacause i think sports are good for my health . I also have learned the marimba and I have given a performance in the SHANGHAI music hall . my favourite subjects are math , physics and biology . although my English is not very good ,i will try my best to improve myself .i hope you can give me the chance for further study ,thank you
第3个回答  2011-03-25