

以下是2010年12月19日四级答案听力长对话原文及解析   第1篇
M : Mrs. Darlson Thanks very much for coming down to the station .I just like to go over some of the things that you told to the police officer Palar at the bank .
  W :All right
M : Well, Could you describe the man who rob the bank for this report that we’re filling out here ? now anything at all you can remember would be extremely helpful to us
  W: Well ,just ,I can only remember basically what I said before
  M :That’s all right
  W: The man was tall ,six foot ? and he had dark hair and he had a moustache
  M: Very good ,all right ,did he have any other distinguishing marks ?
  W: Eh , no, none that I can remember
  M: Do you remember how old he was by any chance?
  W: Oh ,well ,I guess around thirty ,maybe younger .give or take a few years
  M :En ,all right ,do you remember anything about what he was wearing ?
  W: Yes yes , he had on a dark sweater ,a solid color
  M :Ok ,anything else that strikes you at the moment ?
  W:I remember he was wearing a light shirt under the sweater yes yes
M : All right Mrs. Darlson ,I really appreciate what you have been through today. I ‘m just going to ask you to look at some photographs before you leave if you don’t mind .It won’t take very long .Can you do that for me ?
  W: Oh of course
  W: Would you like to step this way with me please ?
  W: OK ,sure
  M: Thank you !
  Questions 19 to 21 are based on the conversation you have just heard.
  19. what do we learn about the woman ?
  20. what did the suspect look like ?
  21. what did the man finally ask the woman to do ?
来,describe …。和 look at …。即可;而20题明显地可归入对人物场景词的考核,这个在我们的课堂上专门辟出来分享过,在对话的中间
tall ,six foot ? and he had dark hair and he had a moustache 。所以整篇文章下来,答
第1个回答  推荐于2018-04-20
A: Mrs. Hampton, we've got trouble in the press room this morning.
B: Oh dear. What about?
A: One of the press operators arrived an hour and a half late.
B: But that's a straightforward affair. He will simply lose part of his pay. That's why we have a clock-in system.
A: But the point is the man was clocked-in at 8 o'clock. We have John standing by the time clock, and he swears he saw nothing irregular.
B: Is John reliable?
A: Yes, he is. That's why we chose him for the job.
B: Have you spoken to the man who was late?
A: Not yet. I thought I'd have a word with you first. He's a difficult man, and I think there's been some trouble on the shop floor. I've got a feeling that trade union representative is behind this. The manager told me that Jack Green's been very active around the shop the last few days.
B: Well, what do you want me to do?
A: I was wondering if you'd see Smith, the man who was late, because you are so much better at handling things like this.
B: Oh, alright. I'll see him. I must say I agree with you about there being bad feelings in the works. I've had the idea for some time that Jack Green's been busy stirring things up in connection with the latest wage claim. He's always trying to make trouble. Well, I'll get the manager to send Smith up here.本回答被网友采纳