
1. ---have you ever stayed at home ______ ?
------ yes . if my parents have to go to work on weekends , i'll stay at home by myself .
A. awake
B. quietly
C. alone
D. bravely

2. ----why didn't you answer my call just now ?
------- because i _______ a shower and i didn't hear it .
A.was taking
B.am taking
D.have taken

3. ----is it diffcult to play the piano ?
-------no. if you practice it hard , you will ________ play it well .
A. able to
B. be able to
C. are able to
D. be able

4. my sister and i often ______ with each other when we were young . but now we get on very well .
A. talked
B. argued
C. spent
D. against

5. my parents don't like Mike and they are _______ my making i won't come here again .
A. wrong
B. certain
C. said
D. sure

6. ---- why do you come back so late ?
------because there were too many people in the supermarket , and i had to _____ to pay for the thinks .
A. wait in line
B. cut in line
C. out of line
D. be on line

7. the shop is familar to me ; i _______ here many times with my father
a. will come
b. went
c. have been
d. have gone

8. --- what should i get for Miss Li on Teachers' Day ?
------- i ______ you buy some flower for her
A. think
B. hope
C. say
D. suggest

9. ---- are you ________ studying math ?
------- no . i think it's difficult and boring .
A. think
B. hope
C. say
D. suggest

10. ---- are you ________ studying math ?
------- no . i think it's difficult and boring
A. interested in
B. bored with
C. excited
D. annoyed

11 . Lily isn't sure about herself . you should __________ her more often
A. encourage
B. tell
C. make
D. worry

12. ----how about _______ with me this afternoon ?
---------- good idea ! i like swimming very much
A. go swimming
B. went swimming
C. going swimming
D. goes swimming

13. ----- have ever does anythink for charity ?
------- yes . i collect money for the students in the _______ areas of China every year .
A. rich
B. modern
C. poor
D. lucky

14. --- do you think people _______ Earth II in the futre ?
----- i hope so . Thus , people will have much room to live in
A. will find
B. found
C. is going to find
D. have found

1. ---have you ever stayed at home ______ ?
------ yes . if my parents have to go to work on weekends , i'll stay at home by myself .
A. awake
B. quietly
C. alone
D. bravely

C 你曾经自己孤独的呆在家里吗? 根据答句句意可知。

2. ----why didn't you answer my call just now ?
------- because i _______ a shower and i didn't hear it .
A.was taking
B.am taking
D.have taken

A 问句问“你刚才为什么不接我电话?” 可知发生在过去,只能选A,进行时更有利于句意表达。

3. ----is it diffcult to play the piano ?
-------no. if you practice it hard , you will ________ play it well .
A. able to
B. be able to
C. are able to
D. be able

B be able to do sth.能够做某事 will后面用动词原形

4. my sister and i often ______ with each other when we were young . but now we get on very well .
A. talked
B. argued
C. spent
D. against

B 根据后半句”现在我们相处得非常好“可知先前我们常吵架,选argue

5. my parents don't like Mike and they are _______ my making i won't come here again .
A. wrong
B. certain
C. said
D. sure

6. ---- why do you come back so late ?
------because there were too many people in the supermarket , and i had to _____ to pay for the thinks .
A. wait in line
B. cut in line
C. out of line
D. be on line
A wait in line 排队等着付款。”因为超市里人很多“
7. the shop is familar to me ; i _______ here many times with my father
a. will come
b. went
c. have been
d. have gone

C 这家超市我很熟悉,我和我父亲来过这里好几次。

8. --- what should i get for Miss Li on Teachers' Day ?
------- i ______ you buy some flower for her
A. think
B. hope
C. say
D. suggest

D 问句问教师节送什么礼物,是征求建议,因此回答应用“我建议……”

9. ---- are you ________ studying math ?
------- no . i think it's difficult and boring .
A. think
B. hope
C. say
D. suggest


10. ---- are you ________ studying math ?
------- no . i think it's difficult and boring
A. interested in
B. bored with
C. excited
D. annoyed

A 根据回答“不,我认为它很难而且很无聊”,可知问句应为“你对数学感兴趣吗”
C应为be excited at

11 . Lily isn't sure about herself . you should __________ her more often
A. encourage
B. tell
C. make
D. worry

A 根据句意“Lily对自己不是很自信”,可知后半句为“你应该常鼓励她”

12. ----how about _______ with me this afternoon ?
---------- good idea ! i like swimming very much
A. go swimming
B. went swimming
C. going swimming
D. goes swimming

C go swimming 去游泳 固定词组
how about 后面动词用doing形式。

13. ----- have ever does anythink for charity ?
------- yes . i collect money for the students in the _______ areas of China every year .
A. rich
B. modern
C. poor
D. lucky

C 根据句意知 问:你为慈善做什么事了吗?

14. --- do you think people _______ Earth II in the futre ?
----- i hope so . Thus , people will have much room to live in
A. will find
B. found
C. is going to find
D. have found

A 问句中有in the future,表示将来,应用将来时。

第1个回答  2011-06-24
cabbb dddda acca
第2个回答  2011-06-24
1c 2a 3b 4b 5不知。6a 7c 8d 9题错 10a 11a 12c 13c 14不知