
The Doha decision
At the Fourth Ministerial Conference in Doha in 2001, ministers agreed to continue the work programmed as well as to extend the moratorium on customs duties. They instructed the General Council, in paragraph 34 of the Doha Declaration, to report on further progress to the Fifth Ministerial in Cancun, in 2003.
Under the work programme, issues related to electronic commerce have been examined by the Council for Trade in Services, the Council for Trade in Goods, the Council for TRIPS and the Committee on Trade and Development. During the course of the work programme a number of background notes on the issues have been produced by the WTO Secretariat and many member governments have submitted documents outlining their own thoughts.
Since then …
After the Doha Ministerial Declaration, the General Council agreed to hold “dedicated” discussions on cross-cutting issues, i.e. issues whose potential relevance may “cut across” different agreements of the multilateral system. So far, there have been five discussions dedicated to electronic commerce, held under General Council’s auspices.
The issues discussed included: classification of the content of certain electronic transmissions; development-related issues; fiscal implications of e-commerce; relationship (and possible substitution effects) between e-commerce and traditional forms of commerce; imposition of customs duties on electronic transmissions; competition; jurisdiction and applicable law/other legal issues.
Participants in the dedicated discussions hold the view that the examination of these cross-cutting issues is unfinished, and that further work to clarify these issues is needed.
25 May 1998

该决定多哈举行的第四次部长级会议2001年在多哈 部长们同意继续工作程序以及延长暂停关税. 他们指示总理事会,在第34条的多哈宣言 报告进一步进展第五届部长级会议在坎昆, 2003年. 根据工作方案,有关电子商务的问题已经由服务贸易理事会, 在货物贸易理事会, TRIPs理事会和贸易与发展委员会. 培训班期间的工作方案的一些背景说明的问题,我们已经制作了 世贸组织秘书处及许多会员国政府提交的文件,说明自己的想法. 自此之后,比如多哈部长宣言,总理事会同意举行"奉献"的讨论跨领域问题, 即问题,其潜在的关联可以"横跨"不同协定的多边贸易体系. 到目前为止,已经有5个专门讨论电子商务,将军主持下举行会议的主持. 会议讨论的问题包括:分类的内容某些电子变速器; 发展相关问题; 财政的影响电子商务; 关系(以及可能的替代效应) ,电子商务与传统商业形式; 征收关税对电子传送; 竞争; 管辖和适用法律/其它法律问题. 与会者在专门讨论认为检查这些跨领域问题,是未完成的, 而且进一步的工作,以澄清这些问题,需要进一步的研究. 毫微克/分钟( 98 ) /日/ 2月25日( 1998年至2148年)