

从动词在句中所起的语法作用的角度看,动词可以分为两类:谓语动词(the finites)和非谓语动词(the non-finites)。谓语动词(the finites)是动词的谓语形式,其形式受主语限制,在数和人称上与主语一致,具有时态和语态的变化,因此,又称限定动词。非谓语动词(the non-infinites)在句中不能做谓语,其形式不受句子主语的限制,又称非限定动词。非谓语动词(the non-finites)主要有三种,即不定式(the infinitives)、动词ing-分词(-ing participle)和动词ed-分词(-ed participle)。下面就非谓语动词(the non-finites)的用法进一步阐述。
一、 动词不定式(the infinitives)
动词不定式(the infinitives)分为带to与不带to两种。不定式(the infinitives) 通常带to,但在某些搭配中既可带to也可不带to。既然通常带to,那掌握何种情况下不带to,对于动词不定式的学习就容易了。以下就总结不带to不定式的几种情况:
⑴在情态助动词(marginal modal auxiliary)后
He must return home before ten o’clock.
You needn’t wait him .
I daren’t go out at night.
Have you been to the university?
You’d better stay at home if it rains tomorrow.
I happened to meet him yesterday.
Wuold rather/would sooner/would (just)as soon ( 宁愿 )may/might(just)as well(不妨,可以),cannot but/cannot help but (不能不,不由得不)等情态成语(modal idiom)之后跟不带to不定式。
He’d rather not porridge and steamd bread for breakfast.
I ‘d sooner stay at school.
You can’t help but respect them.
⑷在ratger than/sooner than之后
Rather than /sooner than 同义,前者多见,均做“宁愿…而不”解释。置于句首时,其后跟不带to不定式。例如:
Rather than cause trouble ,he left.
Sooner than marry that man ,she would earn her living as a waitress.
当rather than/sooner than出现在句中其他位置时,其后不定式既可带to也可不带to.
He decided to write rather than telephone.
Mary likes to watch football match rather than to attend the party.
此处的第二个主动词指不带TO不定式,此类常见搭配有make believe(假装),make do(with/on)(凑合,将就),let drop/let fall(有意无意说出),let fly(at)(发出,射出),let go(of)/leave go of(放开,放手),hear tell(of)(听说)等。例如:
Let’s make believe we have seen Jane.
Make that dog leave go of my coat.
I’ve heard tell of him.
在“let ,make ,have等使役动词+宾语”之后用不带to不定式。例如:
He won’t let her go out at night.
The teacher had the boy stand in front of the class.
Alen made him stayfor tea.
He let his wife do homework..
→his wife was let to do homework.
在“see ,hear,observe,notice,feel,watch等感觉动词+宾语”之后用不带to不定式。例如:
I fell the house shake.
They watched him eat his chicken..
He didn’t notice the thief come in the room.
在“look at和 listen to+宾语”之后也用不带to不定式:
Look at the boy run!
The children listened to the teacher speak.
We saaw him enter the building .
→he was sawn to enter the building .
⑻在“have known+宾语”之后
He has never known(=seen) the teacher smile.
Have you ever known the man tell a lie?
Can I help (to)lift the suit case?
They help me (to) get out of the trouble.
They did nothing except study.
We have no choice but to wait.
⑾在“why/why not…?”之后
在“why/why not…?”句式中,紧接why之后的不定式总是不带to。例如:
Why argue with him?
Why not give me a hand?
在口语中,不带to的不定式还常见于其他一些习惯用法,比如在go ,come,try等动词之后可接不带to不定式。
Go post (=Go and post)a letter for me.
Come have (=Come and have)a chat with me.
I’ll tey help(=Try and help)him.
Me borrow money from him!
Him ask her for help!
Me to borrow money from him!
Him to ask herb for help!
二、动词-ing分词(-ing participle)
此处的动词-ing分词(-ing participle)包括传统语法的“现在分词”(present participle)和“动名词”( the gerund)。在此主要讲解-ing分词与动词的搭配关系,适当与不定式相应的用法做比较。
We appreciate your inviting us to your party.
He can’t resist smoking.
Father give up drinking at last.
Please pardon my disturbing you.
I shamed him into returing the stolen money.
She persuaded her mother into buying a new car .
Lucy talked them into walking home with her.
Nothing would stop me from achieving my ambition.
He could hardly restrain himself from shouting alould.
The police man saved him from drowning .
The heavy rain prevented us from attending the sports meeting .
The canon stopped them from drowning.
The canon stopped them drowning.
→They were stopped from being drown..
在attempt,begin, can’t bear,continue, desserve,dread,hate,intend,like,loathe,love,need, neglect,omit,plan,prefer,require,start等动词后既能直接带不定式也能直接带-ing分词,基本意义无甚区别,但有些用法不尽相同的地方,说明如下:
①在begin,can’t bear,cease,continue,dread,like,love,neglect,omit,prefer,propose,start等动词之后,如表示一般的行为,用-ing分词居多;如表示特定的或具体的动作,则用不定式较多。比较:
He can’t bear living alone.
I can’t bear to see the child treated stupidly.
Jake prefers doing it his way.
He prefer to go by train this evening.
②在need, want, require, deserve等动词之后,可用-ing分词的主动形式表示被动意义,这相当与用不定式的被动态。例如:
The proposal needs signing by the manager.
=The proposal needs to be signed bby the manager..
The old lady deserves looking affter.
=-The old lady deserves to be looked affter.
We start to believe his words.
They begin to see what she meant.
It’s beginning to snow.
He’s starting to write his essay.
①在forget, go on, leave off,mean, regret, remember,stop等动词后面既能带不定式也能带-分词,但意义不同。说明如下:
Can’t you remember telling me the story last night?
=You told me the story last night.Can’t you remember it ?
I was so busy that I forgot to see the Great Wall .
=I was so busy that it didn’t come to my mind that I should see the Great Wall.
②在stop, leaveoff,go on等动词之后,通常用-ing分词结构作宾语;若用不定式结构,便不是宾语而是目的状语,相当与in order to。比较:
They stopped watching TV at 9.30.
=At 9.30 they did not watch TV any more.
They stopped to watch TV at 9.30.
=They paused at 9.30 in order to watch TV.
③在try ,mean, can’t help 等动词之后,用-ing分词结构还是用不定式,取决于这些动词本身的不同含义。例如:
You plan would mean spending hours. (作“意味着”讲)
I didn’t mean to make you angry.(作“打算”讲)
If you want to improve the taste,try adding some sugar.(作“试着,试用”讲)
Philip tried to answer each questioin by himself.(作“努力,设法”讲)
They agreed to share the remuneration(报酬).
They agreed on sharing the remuneration(报酬).
⑤在encourage,permit,allow, recommend,advise,authorise等动词之后,一般用-ing分词作宾语。但如果后面带有不定式结构,这种不定式通常带有自己的逻辑主语。试比较:
She doesn’t allow talking here.
She doesn’t allow us to talk here.
The teacher encouraged learning English by radio and television.
The teacher encouraged me to learn by English by radio and television.
三、动词-ed形式(the participles)
来自及物动词的-ed分词做前置修饰语通常有被动和完成意义;而能做上述用法的-ed 分词有的来自动词,有的来自不及物动词,通常有主动和未完成意义。试比较:
frozen food a freezing wind
a bored traveller a boring jourey
a lost cause a losing battle
a closed shop the closing hour
a retired worke r= a worker who has retired
an expired lease = lease that has expired
a grown man = a person who has grown to a man’s size
The door remains locked.
I found the door locked.
The man looks disappointed.
I found him disappoin ted.
a 第一类包括see,hear,feel,find,think等表示感觉和心理状态的动词:
I found the boy assembled in the hill.
Everybody thought the battel lost.
She felt her eyes dazzled by the bright light.
b 第二类包括make,get, bhave,keep 等表示“致使”意义的动词:
I have my hair cut every month.
Please keep us informed of the last development.
He was trying to make himself understood.
c 第三类包括like,want,wish,order等表示希望、要求、命令等意义的动词:
I don’t want any of you involved in the accident.
He won’t like such question discussed in the meeting.
The audiences wish the serial film continued.