
Electrical discharge machining (EDM) is generally carried out in a dielectric liquid. It is a thermal process where material is removed by a succession of electrical discharges occurring between an electrode and a workpiece plunged in a dielectric fluid. Every discharge ionizes a localized plasma canal, where temperature can become very high (up to 1000 ◦C), leading to fusion and ebullition of metal of both facing materials [1]. The use of liquid has been regarded as indispensable for the stability and efficiency of the process, because it is known that the liquid serves as a cooling medium in the discharge gap and removed and flushed machining
debris out of the working gap. So it plays one of the most important roles in the materials removal mechanism.
EDM is a useful machining method. It has a great advantage in machining workpiece with special shape or hard-machining materials, such as plastic moulds, blanking die, carbide materials and engineering materials [2,3]. Now it has been applied widely in manufacture engineering. Despite their wide using in industry today, EDM has some disadvantages. One of the most serious disadvantages is that it can result in environment pollution [4]. It is known that EDM can produce waste dielectric liquid, it is very harmful, we should try our best to avoid letting into the surrounding environment. On the other hand, dielectric liquid is generally kerosene-based oil, it will decompose and release harmful vapor (CO and CH4) during EDM, which will do harm to the health of operator. For environment protection reason, the green method of EDM without pollution has become a hot studying subject in the word recently.
EDM in gas is a new machining method which was proposed by Kunieda in 1997 [5]. In this method, EDM is achieved in gas instead of kerosene-based oil, so the pollution decreases. When this new method appears, all world is astounded. It is regarded as one of most important method with good outlook. But this method has a fatal disadvantage, short of stability and low material removal rate (MRR).
To overcome the shortage of EDM in gas, a new method, ultrasonic vibration electrical discharge machining (UEDM) in gas, is developed in this paper.

第1个回答  2007-06-09
火花加工( EDM )普遍进行了液体介质. 它是一种热过程中材料去除连续放电之间发生的一个电极 工件神色介质流体. 每放电ionizes局部血浆运河,那里温度变得非常高(高达1000◦三) 领导与融合沸腾金属既面临材料[1] . 利用液态一直被视为必不可少的稳定性和效率的过程中, 因为它是已知的液体作为冷却介质中的放电间隙和拆除并冲水 加工出碎片的工作差距. 因此,它扮演的一个最重要作用的材料去除机理. 电火花,是一个有益的加工方法. 它具有很大的优势,在加工工件形状特殊或难加工材料,如塑料模具, 冲模,硬质合金材料和工程材料〔2,3〕. 现在它已广泛应用于制造工程. 尽管他们广泛使用在工业今天,电火花有一些缺点. 其中最严重的缺点是,它可能会导致环境的污染[4] . 据悉,电火花可产生废弃物介质液体,它是非常有害的, 我们应该尽量避免让融入周围的环境. 在另一方面,液体介质一般煤油为基础油, 它会分解并释放有害气( CO和CH4 )在电火花 这将会伤害到健康的运营. 环保原因 绿法电火花未经污染已成为一个热门研究课题,在最近字. 电火花天然气是一种新的加工方法是由邦枝在1997年[5] . 在该方法中,电火花加工是实现天然气代替煤油基础油,使污染降低. 在这种新方法的出现,全世界感到震惊. 把它当作一个最重要的方法具有良好的前景. 但是这种方法有一个致命的弱点,缺乏稳定及低材料去除率( MRR值) . 为克服人手不足的电火花加工气,一种新的方法,超声波振动电火花加工( uedm )在天然气, 在此基础上开发. (翻译软件本回答被网友采纳