
随着我国经济的高速发展,工业生产中化学产品的使用量也与日俱增。而工业中使用的化学品多数属于有毒、有害、易燃、易爆的危险化学品。危险化学品(dangerous chemicals)在生产、储存和运输过程中,由于受管理机制不健全、人员素质不高等因素的影响,往往会导致一些不可预测事故的发生。危险化学品事故不仅会造成巨大的经济损失,还会导致事故附近区域人员的生命财产安全受到严重的威胁,生态环境也会遭到严重的破坏。因此作为化学品事故(Chemical incidents)处置第一力量的消防部队,更需要加强应对化学事故的能力。
本文针对这一现状,对化学事故辅助决策系统(assistant decision-supporting system)的建立进行了研究。首先,分析了近年来我国危险化学品事故发生的主要特点,讨论了建立化学事故辅助决策系统的必要性和意义;第二步,根据国家标准GB6944—2005《危险货物品名表》对危险化学品事故的类型进行讨论和分类,为建立危险品资料数据库做准备。第三步,通过比较和分析扩散模型中应用比较广泛的高斯(gauss model)模型、萨顿(sutton)扩散模型、ADMS模型,并结合本地的实际气象数据,确定ADMS模型为扩散模型。第四步,在商业电子地图和消防水源电子地图的共同支持下实现,车辆电子导航和现场水源显示。第五步,对收集的危险化学品资料进行整理建立数据库,利用VB语言进行编程实现模糊查询功能。根据ADMS模型和毒负荷法(toxic load)建立危险区域划分标准。最后总结本文取得的研究成果和存在的不足之处。

With China's high-speed economic development, industrial production of chemical products use is also increasing. And the use of industrial chemicals belong to the majority of toxic, hazardous, flammable, explosive hazardous chemicals. Hazardous Chemicals (dangerous chemicals) in the production, storage and transport, Because management mechanism is not perfect and the quality of personnel is not higher factors, often lead to some unpredictable accidents. Dangerous chemical accidents will not only cause great economic losses, it will also lead to an accident near the safety of life and property are seriously threatened. ecological environment will suffer serious damage. So as a chemical incident (Chemical incidents) Disposal of the first fire forces troops, need to strengthen the response capacity of the chemical accident. Based on this situation, Chemical accident right decision support system (assistant decision-supporting system) for the establishment of the study. First, our analysis of the recent incidents of dangerous chemicals over the main features The creation of a chemical accident decision support system the necessity and significance; second, According to the national standard GB6944-2005 "dangerous goods Name" for the dangerous chemicals types of accidents review On and classification of dangerous goods for the establishment of database preparation. The third step, By comparing and analyzing diffusion model used widely in the Gaussian (gauss model) model, Sutton (sutton) diffusion model, ADMS model and the actual local meteorological data, ADMS model for determining diffusion model. The fourth step in the commercial electronic maps and electronic maps fire water under the joint auspices realized, electronic vehicle navigation and water show scene. Fifth step, the collection of dangerous chemicals to collate the information to establish the database, VB language programming fuzzy function. According ADMS model and the drug load method (toxic load) establish criteria for the classification of dangerous region. This paper concluded the achievements and the shortcomings.
第1个回答  2007-06-11
With China's high-speed economic development, industrial production of chemical products use is also increasing. And the use of industrial chemicals belong to the majority of toxic, hazardous, flammable, explosive hazardous chemicals. Hazardous Chemicals (dangerous chemicals) in the production, storage and transport, Because management mechanism is not perfect and the quality of personnel is not higher factors, often lead to some unpredictable accidents. Dangerous chemical accidents will not only cause great economic losses, it will also lead to an accident near the safety of life and property are seriously threatened. ecological environment will suffer serious damage. So as a chemical incident (Chemical incidents) Disposal of the first fire forces troops, need to strengthen the response capacity of the chemical accident. Based on this situation, Chemical accident right decision support system (assistant decision-supporting system) for the establishment of the study. First, our analysis of the recent incidents of dangerous chemicals over the main features The creation of a chemical accident decision support system the necessity and significance; second, According to the national standard GB6944-2005 "dangerous goods Name" for the dangerous chemicals types of accidents review On and classification of dangerous goods for the establishment of database preparation. The third step, By comparing and analyzing diffusion model used widely in the Gaussian (gauss model) model, Sutton (sutton) diffusion model, ADMS model and the actual local meteorological data, ADMS model for determining diffusion model. The fourth step in the commercial electronic maps and electronic maps fire water under the joint auspices realized, electronic vehicle navigation and water show scene. Fifth step, the collection of dangerous chemicals to collate the
第2个回答  2007-06-13
With China's high-speed economic development, industrial production of chemical products use is also increasing. And the use of industrial chemicals belong to the majority of toxic, hazardous, flammable, explosive hazardous chemicals. Hazardous Chemicals (dangerous chemicals) in the production, storage and transport, Because management mechanism is not perfect and the quality of personnel is not higher factors, often lead to some unpredictable accidents. Dangerous chemical accidents will not only cause great economic losses, it will also lead to an accident near the safety of life and property are seriously threatened. ecological environment will suffer serious damage. So as a chemical incident (Chemical incidents) Disposal of the first fire forces troops, need to strengthen the response capacity of the chemical accident. Based on this situation, Chemical accident right decision support system (assistant decision-supporting system) for the establishment of the study. First, our analysis of the recent incidents of dangerous chemicals over the main features The creation of a chemical accident decision support system the necessity and significance; second, According to the national standard GB6944-2005 "dangerous goods Name" for the dangerous chemicals types of accidents review On and classification of dangerous goods for the establishment of database preparation. The third step, By comparing and analyzing diffusion model used widely in the Gaussian (gauss model) model, Sutton (sutton) diffusion model, ADMS model and the actual local meteorological data, ADMS model for determining diffusion model. The fourth step in the commercial electronic maps and electronic maps fire water under the joint auspices realized, electronic vehicle navigation and water show scene. Fifth step, the collection of dangerous chemicals to collate the information to establish the database, VB language programming fuzzy function. According ADMS model and the drug load method (toxic load) establish criteria for the classification of dangerous region. This paper concluded the achievements and the shortcomings.
