初中同步实验检测卷 七年级(下)英语(新目标版)(七)



五 选择填空 (15分)
( ) 21 There're many _______ on the big tree.
A .leaf B.leaves C.leafs D.leafing
( ) 22 Why do you want to work _______ a magazine?
A.on B.to C.for D.in
( ) 23 There are some ___ on the desk.
A.magazines B.newspaper C.news D.book
( ) 24 I want ___ a policeman because it is an exciting ____.
A.to be , job B.doing , work C.to do , job D.be , work
( ) 25 Welcome to Disneyland! It’s a good place _____fun .
A.having B.to have C.have D.has
( ) 26 We are at the library . Please ___ quiet .
A .do B.be C.can D. are
( ) 27 Are you doing your homework? _______.
A. Yes, I am. B. Yes, I’m not. C. Yes, I like it. D.No , I am.
( ) 28 The dolphin is ________ cute.
A.little B. a kind of C. kind of D.kinds of
( ) 29 —What do you do? —____________.
A. I’m very well B. I’m a basketball player
C. I’m in the library D. I’m doing my homework( )
30 She likes ______ to the movies with her friends and _____sports.
A. going, playing B. go, play
C. going , play D. going , plays
( ) 31 The Chinese people ________very friendly.
A.are B.is C.am D.have
( ) 32 Where ___ you ____?
A.do , come B.do , from C.are , come D.are , ,from
( ) 33 I like the ____ the story. It’s fun.
A.begin B.begin of C.beginning D.beginning of
( ) 34 ____ is the weather ____in Beijing?
A.What / B.How likes C.What like D.How like
( )35 Thank you for ____ us some help.
A.give B.giving C.to give D.gives
六 问答配对(10分)
( )36.How old is John? A Yes, please.
( )37.Where is the school? B Yes, I’m sorry.
( )38.What is the last day of the week? C He is from America.
( )39. What does your father do? D He is a policeman. ( )40.What do you want to be? E It’s on Park street.
( )41.Is your mother a teacher? F Saturday.
( )42. How’s it going? G Not bad.
( )43.Where is Mr. brown from? H Yes, she is.
( )44.Can I help you? I A doctor.
( )45.Are you late for school today? J He is ten years old.
七. 从方框中选择合适的句子完成对话,有多余的选项。(5分)
A:Do you like animals?
A:   Let’s go to see the animals this afternoon.There’s a new zoo in our city.
B:      ___47_____
B:Because they are kind of smart. I like to see a dolphin show.
A: Well ,I like elephants.
B: Why do you like them?
A:__50____. They can do a lot of things with their noses.
A:Because they are interesting.
B.What animals do you like?
C.why do you like them?
D.That sounds good.
E.Yes,I do.
F.Why are they interesting.
八 完形填空(10分)
Bill is an Australian __51___. He is twelve. He lives ___52___ his family in China. There are __53___ people in his family. His father John Smith, his mother Catherine and his little sister Abbey. He has a yellow dog. ___54___ name is Barbi. Look! Abbey is ___55__with Barbi. His father is mending his car. His mother is cleaning the house. What is Bill doing? Ah, he is doing __56__ homework in Chinese. He can’t __57___ Chinese well, but he loves Chinese very much. Bill’s ___58___ works in a middle school as an __59____ teacher. His mother works at a TV factory. Bill and his __60____ go to the same school.
( )51. A. child B. boy C. dog D. girl
( )52. A. in B. with C. on D. at
( )53. A. three B. four C. five D. two
( )54. A. It’s B. His C. Its D. Her
( )55. A. living B. talking C. playing D. eating
( )56. A. her B. its C. his D. a
( )57. A. say B. speak C. tell D. talk
( )58. A. mother B. father C. English D. Australian
( )59. A. Chinese B. Japanese C. English D. Australian
( )60. A. boy B. girl C. brother D. sister
九 阅读理解(20分)
A French woman goes to London to see her son. She knows a little English, but can not speak it very well.One day she goes to a shop.She wants to buy a hen(母鸡) for supper.But she can not remember(记得) the English word for “hen”.Just then the shop waiter asks her: “Can I help you?”“I want the egg’s mother ”the woman answered.The shop waiter does not understand(明白) her and says:“Sorry, we have not any bigger(较大的) eggs.”Suddenly(突然) the woman remembers(记起) the word “cock(公鸡)”.She says:“I want the cock’s wife!”This time the shop waiter laughs(笑).
( ) 61.The  woman goes to London_______.
A.to learn English  B.to have supper  C.to see her son
( ) 62.The  woman________.
A.only knows a little English B.knows much English
C.doesn’t know English
( ) 63.The shop waiter think the egg’s mother must be”_______”.
A.bigger eggs  B.the cock’s wife  C.hens
( ) 64.The  shop waiter laughs because he ________.
A.understand the woman at last   B.think it is interesting(有趣的)
C. does not understand the woman
( ) 65.  Is the woman clever(聪明的)?
        A. Yes he is       B.  No  she  isn’t      C.  Yes she  is 
Welcome to the zoo
Opening time Tickets
Monday to Friday Adults ¥10
9:oo a.m~6:30 p.m 15~18 ¥8
Saturday to Sunday 8~14 ¥5
8:00 a.m~8:30 p.m under 8 free
Keep the zoo clean !
Do not touch, give food or near the animals.
( ) 66. The zoo opens days.
A. five B. six C. seven
( ) 67. On Sunday, the zoo opens at .
A. 8:00 a.m B. 8:30 a.m C. 9:oo a.m
( ) 68. Tom is 15, his brother is 9 and his sister is 6. If they go to the zoo, they need .
A. ¥23 B. ¥15 C. ¥13
( ) 69. The zoo closes at on Wednesday .
A. 9:00 a.m B. 8:30 p.m C. 6:30 p.m
( ) 70. We must in the zoo.
A.give the food to the animals B.keep the zoo clean
C.touch the heads of the animals
C Mr and Mrs Scott want to buy some new chairs for their new house. They come into a shop and see some very good chairs on the floor.
They like the colour and want to know how much they are. They see a price tag (标签) on one chair. It says (上面写着) "¥100".They like the chair but they are too dear (贵) for them. The Scotts don't
think they can buy them now. They leave this shop and go to other
shops. Mr Scott thinks they can find some cheap chairs.
( )71. Mr and Mrs Scott have a new house.
( )72.They want to buy tables and chairs for their house. ( )73.They think the chairs in this shop are cheap.(便宜的) ( )74. They leave the shop and go home. ( )75. They want to buy good and cheap desks.
What’s your favorite weather? Do you like sunny or rainy days?
Many people like sunny days a lot. They don’t like rain. They think rain makes them feel sad. During a long vacation,they like going to the beach to enjoy the sunshine(阳光).Sunshine makes them feel very good and happy.
I like sunshine very much,but I also enjoy rain. I enjoy the
sound (声音)of rain. It makes me feel quiet. On rainy days,I like
listening to music and reading books,or just looking at the rain and daydreaming.(做白日梦) When you daydream,you don’t think about
other things. I think it’s a good way to relax when it rains.
Sunshine can make one run around and rain can make one quiet, so I hope you can feel happy ,rain or shine.
( )76.Many people don’t like rain because it makes them feel _
A. happy B.sad Ctired D.relaxing
( )77.The writer enjoys the sound of _______.
A.rain B.snow C.wind D.cloud
( )78.We don’t think about other things when we _______.
A.sing B. dance C.daydream Dshop
( )79.Sunshine can make people ________.
A. quiet B. run around C.relaxed D.sad
( )80.The writer thinks daydreaming is a good way to relax
when it ______.
A.snows B.shines C.rains D.winds
A. 用括号内所给的词的适当形式填空(5)
81.Bob can speak ______________(France)
82.He is very ___________(friend) to us.
83.Don’t play in the street. It’s _________(danger)
84.Look! It’s_____________(rain) now.
85.Let me ___________(tell) you a story.
B. 根据句意及首字母提示完成下列句子(5)
86.Why don’t you like lions?----Because they are u________.
87.Tom is a c______ boy.He learns everything quickly.
88. It’s a lazy animal.It sleeps and r________ 20 hours a day.
89.My parents are d_________. They work in a hospital.
90. It’s snowing and windy outside. It’s very c___________.
1.My pen pal speaks Japanese.(就划线部分提问)
___91___ ____92____ ____93___ your pen pal ___94____?
2.There are some people in the supermarket.(改为一般疑问句)
____95___ ___96___ ___97___ people in the supermarket?
3.Her mother is a doctor. (就划线部分提问)
___98__ ____99___ her mother ___100____?

十二。 看图填词, 有些空不限一词.(10分)
School Library Park
Bridge Street
Post office Pay phone Surpermarket
Look __101__ the picture. There___102__a school ___103____Bridge Street. A park is not far __104____the school. A lake( 湖 )is ___105___the park. ___106___the school is a post office . A pay phone is ___107___the post office. Look! There is a library in the picture ,___108___. It’s ___109___the park __110____the school.
一 ABACC 二 BABBA 三 CACDA 四 d h f c a
六 J E F D I H G C A B
九 1 at 2 is 3 on 4 from 5 in front of
6 Across from 7 next to 8 too 9 between 10 and
十A) Tom King English soccer The Long Weekend doctor