

第1个回答  2011-04-27
As I Lay Dying is considered as an elaborately-constructed superb work by William Faulkner himself. Addie is the center character of As I Lay Dying. Although she lies dying at the beginning of the story, she has profound and long effect upon her several sons. Darl, with the most complicate nature of all the kids of Addie, endures the suffering of life silently. His contempt to language, his traits of character and pessimism towards life express the perfect compatibility between the son and the mother. Meanwhile, Anse, Cash and Jewel reflect all kinds of emotions to life and love of modern people. Readers of today could probe into the alienated value system of humanity from the points of characters and find out the textual origin of this great novel.

第2个回答  2011-04-27
"As I lay dying by the author of William Faulkner ShenPin wonderful dubbed constitutive work since. Eddie is "as I lay dying, the central figure in the novel, although she beginning is under the point of, but her about her sons result was deep and lasting. Central darfur is eddy children the most complicated and character in the bear life as Eddie silently suffering of figure, he contempt for words, his personality and his tendency to life's pessimism is profoundly embodies both mom and baby the fit between natural. And, Ann, Johnny cash, jewell also reflects the modern life and to love the emotion. Contemporary readers can figure level from the human exploration is alienated value systems, find the great novel text end-result.追问


第3个回答  2011-04-27
"As I lay dying by the author of William Faulkner ShenPin wonderful dubbed constitutive work since. Eddie is "as I lay dying, the central figure in the novel, although she beginning is under the point of, but her about her sons result was deep and lasting. Central darfur is eddy children the most complicated and character in the bear life as Eddie silently suffering of figure, he contempt for words, his personality and his tendency to life's pessimism is profoundly embodies both mom and baby the fit between natural. And, Ann, Johnny cash, jewell also reflects the modern life and to love the emotion. Contemporary readers can figure level from the human exploration is alienated value systems, find the great novel text end-result.追问

