英语词汇 : 表示 “预计”、“预料”、“估计” 的词语


掌握英语中的预测词汇,如同掌握了一把开启未来大门的钥匙。这里有七个关键术语:expect</, anticipate</, foresee</, foretell</, estimate</, predict</, 和prophesy</,它们在不同的语境中展现出独特的韵味。

    expect,这是一颗通用的螺丝钉,无论正式场合还是日常对话,都能自如运用,如:We are expecting a surge in job applicants.</
    anticipate,更偏向于正式,有时可与expect替换,如:We didn't anticipate such a strong backlash on the proposal.</这里的前瞻性意味更浓。
    foresee和foretell,则侧重于预知未来,前者通常用于商业策略或自然现象,后者更侧重于神秘或神秘的预测,如:A visionary entrepreneur must foresee the needs of tomorrow's consumers.</No one could foretell the exact outcome of the historical event.</

estimate</,则是对成本、数量的精准或大致预测,例如:We estimated a considerable surge in tree damage, or the number of refugees fleeing the conflict.</

而predict,更多的是对不确定结果的推测,如:Financial analysts can only speculate on the economic improvement's timing.</The earthquake's intensity was difficult to predict.</


    Financial optimism:</ Economists are predicting a brightening economic outlook.
    Geological speculation:</ Scientists forecast that East Africa could separate from the continent in 60 million years.
    Consumer demand:</ Accurately anticipating consumer demand for domestic products is crucial.
    Sales forecast:</ Next year's sales projections are still subject to uncertainty.
    Ticket pricing:</ A 15% hike in train fares is expected.
    Construction milestones:</ The new building is scheduled to break ground by year-end.
    Project timelines:</ The estimated completion date for the project.
    Profit expectations:</ The board forecasts significant profits from the new product.
    Expert prophecy:</ Economists prophesied a stock market rebound.
    Historical prophecy:</ Rasputin's prophecy of events came true.
    Love's enigma:</ Some choose not to predict the future of a marriage.
    Polling outcomes:</ The conservative party's election victory prediction came true.
    Election suspense:</ It's anyone's guess who the election victor will be.
