
In America there are many famous singing groups but few opportunities for karaoke singing.根据下面的听力原文判断这句话是否正确,为什么这句话是对的?special karaoke bars是什么意思?

Dalin: It's Mike's birthday on Friday, so a bunch of us are going to go to the karaoke bar. Would you like to come with us?
Laura: Karaoke bar? You have a special place just for singing? In America, bars sometimes have a karaoke night where the customers can sing a song, but we haven't special karaoke bars!

Dalin: Really? In China, karaoke is a very popular way for friends to spend time together. We can select the music that our group enjoys. We mostly sing pop songs.

Laura: Do you sing individually or in groups? Singing is not a very in thing, so I don't sing very well.

Dalin: I'm surprised that you don't sing much in America. So many really cool groups come from there.

Laura: Yeah, music is popular, but mostly we just listen to it.

Dalin: If you just listen to it, you miss out on a lot of fun.

Laura: Well, we sometimes dance to the music.

但是“In America there are many famous singing groups but few opportunities for karaoke singing.”这句话是对的。文中讲了在美国没有专门的卡拉ok,只是有些酒吧有些时候有卡拉ok之夜,客人们可以唱一唱歌(In America, bars sometimes have a karaoke night where the customers can sing a song, but we haven't special karaoke bars)。dalin很惊讶美国人并不怎么唱歌,因为有很多著名的歌唱团体来自美国( I'm surprised that you don't sing much in America. So many really cool groups come from there. )。Laura说了大部分人主要是以听歌(but mostly we just listen to it),有时候会跟着音乐跳舞(we sometimes dance to the music)。所以这句话是对的。
第1个回答  2011-06-02
special karaoke bars:专门唱KTV的俱乐部
因为Laura说“ Karaoke bar? You have a special place just for singing? In America, bars sometimes have a karaoke night where the customers can sing a song, but we haven't special karaoke bars! ”“卡拉OK俱乐部?你们有专门一个地方是用来唱歌的?在美国,有时酒吧会举办“拉OK夜”,客人们可以每人唱一首歌,但是我们没有这样一个专门唱歌的地方!”
第2个回答  2011-06-02
