
生命在于运动 这个格言提示了生命的一条极为重要的规律,一动则不衰.运动和生命息息相关.一个人想要长寿即必须经常运动活动和锻炼,这对于任何人来说都是重要的.目前,全民健身运动正在风靡全球,正成为一种新时尚,其中心就是:通过健身运动,提高全民的身体素质和健康水平.实践证明,参加体育锻炼,不仅可以强身健体,减少疾病,延缓衰老,也是锻炼没有年龄界限.锻炼开始得越早,坚持的时间越长,效果也越好,体质就越强健.有些人为了保护自己的身体健康,常常吃补药和保健食品,以为这样就可以防病治病,这是个根本的错误看法.要知道.未病先防,有病早治 .养生\保健\运动,这是任何药物所不能代替的提高工作效率的重要手段,是任何药物和其他方法不能代替的,
“用则进,废则退,” 这就是生物学上的一条重要规律,为了保持自己的身体健康,请赶快参加爱运动锻炼把

Life is exercise this motto suggest a vital of life is long, and the law is closely related with life. Movement. A person want to enjoy a long life namely must often sports activity and exercise, it is important for anybody. Currently, the nationwide fitness campaign is became popular in the world, is becoming a new fashion, its center is: through fitness sport, improve people's physical quality and health level. Practice has proved, taking exercise, not only can strengthen body, reduce disease, delay ageing, also exercise no age limit. Exercise started earlier, insist on longer, the effect also better, more robust constitution. Some people in order to protect their health, often eat tonic and health food, thought that can cure diseases, this is a fundamental error view. You know. Is not ill to prevent, pneumonias. Health health movement, this is any drug can substitute improve work efficiency is the important means of any drugs and other methods can not replace,

Now have entered the 21st century, with the development of economy, the improvement of living standards, the modern science and technology progress, make the people's physical labor reduce day by day, and have less hidebound. In the life the car, elevator instead of the stairs, from the health perspective, this is very adverse. He makes physical quality, the older and weaker small. To change this state, starting from strengthening exercise, you'll have to consciously initiative in advocating campaign, work and family life, should as far as possible many activities each place, if blindly covet ease enjoy, of fear of hardships tired well-fed, as time passes, limb muscles will become feeble.

"Use is in, waste is to go back," this is an important rule of the biological basis, in order to maintain their health, please come to the love the exercise
第1个回答  2011-06-01
Life is movement in this maxim suggests a vital life of the law, a move is not bad. Sports and life are closely related. A man desires to live long or have regular exercise activities and exercise, it is important for anyone. At present , fitness movement is sweeping the world, is becoming a new fashion, the center is: through exercise, to enhance the people's physique and health level. Practice has proved that physical exercise can not only physical health, reduce disease, aging is no age limit exercise. exercise start as soon as, adhere to the longer, the effect is better, more robust body. Some people in order to protect their own health, often tonic and health food, thinking that it can prevent disease treatment, this is a fundamental misconception. you know. not disease prevention, early ill governance. health \ health \ sports, this is not a substitute for any drugs to improve the efficiency of an important means of any drugs and other method can not be replaced,
Has now entered the 21st century, as economic development, improvement of living standards, modern technology makes it increasingly less physical labor, activity levels are less and less. In life, in cars, elevators instead of stairs, from the health point of view, this is very bad. He makes less and less physical fitness, they will suffer more and more. To change this state, we should start with strengthening exercise, you have to consciously take the initiative to exercise and work in the promotion of and family life, to as much activities in all parts of the, if you indulge in comfort, ease to enjoy, for fear bitter Pareto, eat three square meals a day and over time, limb muscles become weak.
"With the progress, waste is back," This is an important law of biology, in order to maintain their own health, please Sign participate in the love of exercise