

Significance n. 意义、重要性 nickname n. 小名、别名 family tree 家谱
Personality n. 个性、人格 culture n. 文化 symbol n. 符号、象征
Representative adj.具有代表性的、典型的 superstition n. 迷信
Superstitious adj.迷信的

Compulsory schooling 义务教育 institute n. 学院 credit n. 学分
Private school 私立学校 public school 公立学校 bilingual education 双语教育
Freshman n.大一学生 sophomore n. 大二学生 junior n. 大三学生
Senior n.大四学生 degree n. 学位 bachelor n.学士 master n.硕士
Doctor n. 博士 absenteeism n 旷课 (skip class)

Career 事业 profession 职业 talent 才能、人才 pressure 压力
Part-time job 兼职 job hunting 求职 interview 面试 competition 竞争
Workaholic 工作狂 retire 退休 salary wage income 薪水、收入
SOHO 在家办公 promotion 提升 work overtime 加班 bonus 奖金、分红
Job arrangement and benefit 工作安排和待遇 accounting 会计
Adviser 顾问 assistant 助理 supervisor 主管 marketing 市场营销
Consultant 咨询师 routine work 日常工作

Future Plan
Ambition 志向 change one’s mind改变想法 not have a clue毫无头绪
Study abroad 出国留学 passport 护照 visa 签证 immigrant n.移民
Immigrate v. 移居、移民 scholarship 奖学金 recommendation n.推荐
Work 9 to 5 朝九晚五 resume 简历 make sense 有意义
Embassy 大使馆 come to nothing完全失败,终成泡影,一事无成
Have a bright idea 有个不错的注意、想法

Does your names have special meaning or significance?
Have you ever changed your name? Why and Why not?
Do Chinese Women change their names after they get married?
Do you think why people want to change names?

What’s your favourite subject/teacher/classmate? Why do you like him/her/it?
Can you tell me something about your school or subjects you’re learning right now?
Do you want to go abroad to study? Why and why not? (advantages and disadvantages)
Do you thing study is important to me? Why and why not?
What do you plan to major in college?
Chinese schools,how many kinds are there?And how about the differences?
Do you think study is a difficult thing to do? Why?
Is teaching a popular job in China? How do you think about the teacher career/profession?

Work&Future Plan
What’s your ideal job?/What kind of job do you want to do in the future?
Do you think work/job is important to people/you? Why and why not?
What do you plan to do after the college/graduation?
Will your parents help you plan your future/work? Tell me some details.

Hobbies&Interests&Spare Time
What’s your hobby?/What do you like to do in your spare time?
Why do you like this?(movie/music/sports…)
How does this(movie/music/sports…) affect our lives?
Why are what the old people likes and the young people likes so different?
What’s your favourite movie/music/sports/stars…?
Is movie/music/sports…very popular in China/Beijing? For example

1.要有点逻辑性,思路清晰,对于why、how do you think之类的问题,最好分2、3点去作答,然后每点展开。注意句子最好一句一句是完整的,千万避免只是蹦单词。
2.对于一般疑问句,不要直接yes or no. 给出一个完整的句子。如:Yes,I do like doing some sports./No,I haven’t changed my name.
3.当说完理由或回答完毕以后,可以用I think that’s all.或者重复考官问题的内容如:so I think that’s the reason that I like music so much.等