

1. 你可以在别人面前大呼小叫,但在我面前我劝你规规矩矩。You can shout at others, but I suggest you behave properly in my presence.
2. 我建议你管好自己的嘴,如果你管不住,我就用巴掌替你管。I suggest you control your mouth; if you can't, I'll do it with a slap.
3. 这不是人见人爱的时代,也不是草船借箭的时代,我劝你自重。This is not an era where everyone is loved, nor is it a time for borrowing arrows from the straw boat. I urge you to respect yourself.
4. 任何礼义廉耻都抵不过你厚颜无耻。No amount of etiquette, righteousness, integrity, or shame can match your shamelessness.
5. 人家回眸一笑百媚生,你回头一笑女鬼索命。When others turn and smile, they become a hundred charms; when you turn and smile, it's like a female ghost asking for life.
6. 跟我说话的时候请你注意分贝,我胆子小,怕狗。When you speak to me, please keep it down; I'm timid and afraid of dogs.
7. 你尽情的说吧,你说的都对,不管你做什么都是我的错?因为子不教父之过。You can say whatever you want; whatever you do is my fault, right? Because if the son is not educated, it's the father's fault.
8. 只有破车才需要备胎,你以为你有备胎很光荣吗?Only broken cars need spare tires. Do you think it's something to be proud of that you have a spare tire?
9. 古文说相由心生,这句话放在你身上,真的一点都不假。The ancient saying that a person's appearance reflects their character applies to you; it's not an exaggeration at all.
10. 如果不爱了隐缓就别在我这纠结,请你带上你的脑残,滚出我的世界。If you no longer love someone and want to hide, don't bother me; please take your nonsense and get out of my world.
11. 我说话从来都不带刺,如果有一天不小心冒犯了你,不好意思,我真的是故意的。I never speak with thorns, but if one day I accidentally offend you, sorry, I really meant to do it.
12. 不知道你哪来的自信,大家都觉得你好恶心,你还自鸣得意。I don't know where you get your confidence from; everyone thinks you're disgusting, yet you take pride in yourself.