
不要太专业的高中水平高中词汇就行~~~ 写的行了又追加分~~~

1. Personally ,I prefer countryside better. Here are some reasons.
As we all know ,people who live in the city often get different diseases due to the more and more serious pollution .Compaired with city, the countryside has fresher air which is better for our health. Besides, the traffic jam in the city always cause we feel headache ,especially when we have someting important to do.However ,in the countryside, we have no trouble in this aspact .There is another problem when living in the city.The life in the city is so fast that everyone feel too tired when they finish a day.While the countryside is slower.
Just like the reasons I said above , the countryside is more comfortable than city that fit me to live.

2. 第二篇的要求能给多点吗。是什么时候毕业,毕业之时的活动还是感想。没条件我没办法写