
1. There’s an unusual (twist) to the plot at the end of the book.
A. change
B. stop
C. result
D. event

2. A job that takes (effort)is one that
A. pays well.
B. is hard to do.
C. is very easy.

3. “Can you lend me some money for the journey?” “Yes, will $500 be (sufficient)?”
A. enough
B. efficient
C. effective
D. satisfactory

4. If a friend is (furious) with you, the friend would be
A. really angry with you.
B. relaxed with you.
C. fearful of you.

5. The opposite of (observe)is:
A. not see
B. not try
C. not hurt

6. If my boots (protect) me from the rain and snow, they
A. keep out the wet and cold.
B. leak, so that my feet get wet and cold.
C. need to be replaced.

7. In the word “again” the (accent) is on the second syllable.
A. character
B. pronunciation
C. stress
D. letter

8. I can’t (concentrate) on what I’m doing while the noise is going on.
A. focus
B. gather
C. rely
D. go

9. A (confident)person is often heard saying things like,
A. “This is boring.”
B. “I doubt that I can do this.”
C. “I am sure that I can do this.”

10. The opposite of (public) is:
A. straight
B. private
C. sweet

11. If dinner at a restaurant (includes)dessert, this means that
A. dessert will be a part of the meal.
B. dessert will not be a part of the meal.
C. dessert will be the only thing in the meal.

12. The (outlook) for the weekend is good, with warm, sunny weather expected to last until Monday.
A. overlook
B. outline
C. prospect
D. prosperity

13. Teenagers who (resist)using drugs
A. never heard of drugs.
B. use a lot of drugs.
C. work hard to keep from using drugs.

14. She was wearing a brown dress with hat and gloves to (match)at that special day.
A. agree to
B. compare with
C. obtain by
D. go along

15. When people work as (volunteers), they
A. receive a large paycheck.
B. work without pay.
C. get a paid two-week vacation.

16. When your teacher ______ something by writing it on the board, be sure to get the point down in your notebook.
A. protects
B. cancels
C. emphasizes

17. If you (reverse)your car, you
A. love your car.
B. sell your car.
C. turn your car in the other direction.

18. The opposite of (continue)is:
A. stop
B. shout
C. push

19. My uncle in Canada (notified) us that he was coming here on a visit in a few days.
A. informed
B. reported
C. called
D. wrote to

20. (Ability) means:
A. a feeling of thanks
B. a special skill
C. a wish

21. Even a small child is ______ of doing simple jobs around the house, such as clearing the table.
A. capable
B. damp
C. sociable

22. If you are (motivated), you are:
A. interested and excited
B. well-known
C. good-looking

1. A. 在此书的结尾,情节出现不同寻常的扭转(转变)。根据选项筛选:B.stop停止,C.result结果,一般与介词in连用,构成result in,D.事件

2. B. 费力气的工作,是难做的。

3. A. sufficient - enough - 充足,足够

4. A. furious - very angry - 非常生气,狂怒,气氛

5. A. observe 观看,对应的词是,not see,不观看

6. A. 我的靴子给我遮雨挡雪,当然可以防潮御寒啦。

7. accent - stress,单词again的重音在第二个音节。

8. A. focus - concentrate - 集中精力,专心于,与介词on连用。

9. C. confident 自信

10. public 公开的,对应的词是,private 私密的。

11. A. 正餐提供点心

12. C. outlook - prospect 展望,迹象,两者近义词。而prosperity表示繁荣。故C为最佳答案。

13. C. resist - 反抗,抵制;抵制使用毒品的青少年们,在拒绝毒品上作出努力。

14. D. match - go alone - 相配,相称

15. B. volunteer - work without pay - 志愿者,无劳动报酬

16. C. emphasize - underline - stress 强调

17. C. reverse - turn your car in the other direction - 逆向,倒转

18. A. contitue 继续,对应的词是 stop 停止

19. A. notify - inform - 通知,告知

20. C. ability - a special skill - 技能,能力

21. A. be capable of - 能够胜任...

22. A. motivated - interested and excited - 激励,刺激

------------- 参考答案,由 外贸国际会展专业人士 Yeeher 提供,如有任何英语方面问题,欢迎楼主加我好友,联系我!哈。


第1个回答  2011-05-27
1. There’s an unusual (twist) to the plot at the end of the book.(A)
A. change
B. stop
C. result
D. event

2. A job that takes (effort)is one that(B)
A. pays well.
B. is hard to do.
C. is very easy.

3. “Can you lend me some money for the journey?” “Yes, will $500 be (sufficient)?”(A)
A. enough
B. efficient
C. effective
D. satisfactory

4. If a friend is (furious) with you, the friend would be(A)
A. really angry with you.
B. relaxed with you.
C. fearful of you.

5. The opposite of (observe)is:(A)
A. not see
B. not try
C. not hurt

6. If my boots (protect) me from the rain and snow, they(A)
A. keep out the wet and cold.
B. leak, so that my feet get wet and cold.
C. need to be replaced.

7. In the word “again” the (accent) is on the second syllable.(C)
A. character
B. pronunciation
C. stress
D. letter

8. I can’t (concentrate) on what I’m doing while the noise is going on.(A)
A. focus
B. gather
C. rely
D. go

9. A (confident)person is often heard saying things like,(A)
A. “This is boring.”
B. “I doubt that I can do this.”
C. “I am sure that I can do this.”

10. The opposite of (public) is:(B)
A. straight
B. private
C. sweet

11. If dinner at a restaurant (includes)dessert, this means that(A)
A. dessert will be a part of the meal.
B. dessert will not be a part of the meal.
C. dessert will be the only thing in the meal.

12. The (outlook) for the weekend is good, with warm, sunny weather expected to last until Monday.(C)
A. overlook
B. outline
C. prospect
D. prosperity

13. Teenagers who (resist)using drugs(C)
A. never heard of drugs.
B. use a lot of drugs.
C. work hard to keep from using drugs.

14. She was wearing a brown dress with hat and gloves to (match)at that special day.(B)
A. agree to
B. compare with
C. obtain by
D. go along

15. When people work as (volunteers), they(B)
A. receive a large paycheck.
B. work without pay.
C. get a paid two-week vacation.

16. When your teacher ____C__ something by writing it on the board, be sure to get the point down in your notebook.
A. protects
B. cancels
C. emphasizes

17. If you (reverse)your car, you(C)
A. love your car.
B. sell your car.
C. turn your car in the other direction.

18. The opposite of (continue)is:(A)
A. stop
B. shout
C. push

19. My uncle in Canada (notified) us that he was coming here on a visit in a few days.(A)
A. informed
B. reported
C. called
D. wrote to

20. (Ability) means:(B)
A. a feeling of thanks
B. a special skill
C. a wish

21. Even a small child is ______ of doing simple jobs around the house, such as clearing the table.
A. capable
B. damp
C. sociable

22. If you are (motivated), you are:
A. interested and excited
B. well-known
C. good-looking
第2个回答  2011-05-31
