翻译一段文章 电影《英国病人》影评的一段

知道贵团高手云集,不知能否帮助我翻译一端电影《英国病人》的影评。我知道贵团不会使用机器翻译,而且翻译的水准也值得信赖,特来求助!希望欣赏到贵团绝佳的翻译水平;)))) (我自己英语基础很好,托福114分,毕竟是非专业的,翻译这段话感觉很棘手的说,希望专业人士解答)

在影片中,主人公为了对抗死亡和命运,制造出各种抵制自我消失的美好情感,这种情感最强烈的方式之一就是爱情。To confront against the power of death and fate, our hero in the film endeavoured to creat some positive emotions that could help resist the feeling of self-disappearing. Among all those emotions, one of the most strongest ways is love affection. 无情的死神虽然带走了凯瑟琳,阿尔马西最终也在满身的伤痛中死去,但是两个相爱的人真的被多舛的命运征服了吗?Death was merciless enough to take life away from Katharine and have Almásy finally ended up in his arm with great pain. With this ending in hand, however, did he, death, and the changable fate literately manage to conquer the two ones in love?凯瑟琳无助的躺在沙漠的山洞里,没有足够的水和食物供她存活。Katharine was lying helplessly in the cave of the dessert, without enough water and food to live on.黑暗的山洞中,她体验到了死亡的来临。She could even hear the step of death in the dark cave.但是直到最后一刻,爱情都在支撑她与黑暗和死亡抗争。Nevertheless, she never quited the fight with darkness and death with the support of love until the last breath of her life.她在纸片上写下了对阿尔马西的深深爱怜,这是最后支撑着她的精神力量,是陪伴她的唯一可靠的生机和活力,心中的爱情燃烧着生的希望,这种情感足以与死亡对峙了。She wrote down her deepest love and emphathy for Almásy, which were the final spiritual pillars available to her. They were her only vitality to rely on. Her love deep down in her heart burnt with the flame of life, sustained her in the fight with the end of life.她虽然不得不走向死亡,但是命运之神却并没有将她打败,她超越了命运和死亡带来的苦难。She had to approach death, with no other options, but the God of fate had failed to defeat her for she had already surpassed the misery brought by fate and death.
同样,男主人公也是怀着爱情去迎接死亡的命运的来临的。Meanwhile, the hero, Almásy was also prepared to greet the fate of death with a smile of love.他全身被烧伤后,经历了一度的失忆,当他慢慢地回忆起来的时候,他在精神上又一次再生了,因为他记起了他生命中最重要最美好的东西———爱情。After he was burnt and wounded, he lost his memory for a while. When he finally recalled all the things, he was reborn spiritually, for he once again owned the most important and beautiful possession--love. 此时在他心中,完全沉浸在了对曾经有过的美丽情感的回顾。At that time he was completely absorbed into the recollection of the past, into the recollection of the beautiful feelings he once experienced. 因为有着这份美好的“拥有”,他的存在有了意义,他的归宿有了方向,因此,他不再畏惧死亡。For this beautiful "property" he owned, his exsistence was far from being meaningless, and his ending was at last clear. Thereafter, he could fear death no more.
第1个回答  2011-05-25
In the film, the hero in order to confront death and fate, to manufacture all boycott the good emotion, self disappear this emotion is one of the most intense way love. Relentless death although took Catherine, al marcie finally died of wounds in emerge, but two people who love each other were far worse fate really was conquered? Catherine he lies helpless in desert cave, without enough water and food for her survival. The dark cave, she experienced death comes. But until the last moment, the love all in support of her struggle with darkness and death, she wrote on pieces of paper of Marcy in alzheimer's loving deeply, this is the last supported her spiritual power, is the only reliable with her the vitality and vigor, in the heart of love burning the emotions of hope, born with death confrontation to. Although she had to dying, but fortune has not will she beat, she transcended fate and the suffering caused death.
Similarly, the hero is also love to meet death with the advent of the fate of the body, he was burn after experienced once of amnesia, when he slowly recalled, he once again in spiritual regeneration, because he remembered him the most important thing in life -- the best thing in his heart, this love of, totally immersed in the emotion once beautiful review. Because it has the better "owns", his existence has meaning, his home had direction, therefore, he is no longer afraid of death.追问


第2个回答  2011-05-25
Know you cover all the ace gathered, I wonder if you could help me translate end the movie "English patient" releases. I know you cover all not use machine translation and translation level also trustworthy, especially to help! Hope to enjoy you cover all the excellent translation level; ) ))) (my own English foundation is very good, toefl 114 points, after all, is a professional, translating this passage feel very tricky said, hopes professional personage solutions)

The following content:

In the film, the hero in order to confront death and fate, to manufacture all boycott the good emotion, self disappear this emotion is one of the most intense way love. Relentless death although took Catherine, al marcie finally died of wounds in emerge, but two people who love each other were far worse fate really was conquered? Catherine he lies helpless in desert cave, without enough water and food for her survival. The dark cave, she experienced death comes. But until the last moment, the love all in support of her struggle with darkness and death, she wrote on pieces of paper of Marcy in alzheimer's loving deeply, this is the last supported her spiritual power, is the only reliable with her the vitality and vigor, in the heart of love burning the emotions of hope, born with death confrontation to. Although she had to dying, but fortune has not will she beat, she transcended fate and the suffering caused death.

Similarly, the hero is also love to meet death with the advent of the fate of the body, he was burn after experienced once of amnesia, when he slowly recalled, he once again in spiritual regeneration, because he remembered him the most important thing in life -- the best thing in his heart, this love of, totally immersed in the emotion once beautiful review. Because it has the better "owns", his existence has meaning, his home had direction, therefore, he is no longer afraid of death.追问


第3个回答  2011-05-25
Know you cover all the ace gathered, I wonder if you could help me translate end the movie "English patient" releases. I know you cover all not use machine translation and translation level also trustworthy, especially to help! Hope to enjoy you cover all the excellent translation level; ) ))) (my own English foundation is very good, toefl 114 points, after all, is a professional, translating this passage feel very tricky said, hopes professional personage solutions)

The following content:

In the film, the hero in order to confront death and fate, to manufacture all boycott the good emotion, self disappear this emotion is one of the most intense way love. Relentless death although took Catherine, al marcie finally died of wounds in emerge, but two people who love each other were far worse fate really was conquered? Catherine he lies helpless in desert cave, without enough water and food for her survival. The dark cave, she experienced death comes. But until the last moment, the love all in support of her struggle with darkness and death, she wrote on pieces of paper of Marcy in alzheimer's loving deeply, this is the last supported her spiritual power, is the only reliable with her the vitality and vigor, in the heart of love burning the emotions of hope, born with death confrontation to. Although she had to dying, but fortune has not will she beat, she transcended fate and the suffering caused death.
Similarly, the hero is also love to meet death with the advent of the fate of the body, he was burn after experienced once of amnesia, when he slowly recalled, he once again in spiritual regeneration, because he remembered him the most important thing in life -- the best thing in his heart, this love of, totally immersed in the emotion once beautiful review. Because it has the better "owns", his existence has meaning, his home had direction, therefore, he is no longer afraid of death.

