
The problem is amplified by the fact that ruled-based order depends on the use of sanctions. That means that social order “not only requires an assigning of authority
to those who govern but also requires giving them the right to use coercion.”Therefore, as social beings, humans are forced to “accept coercion as use of instruments of evil to permit orderly social relationships.” The ubiquity of coercion means that in the final count, order and organization in human societies “depend upon a Faustian bargain where the use of instruments of evil, i.e., sanctions, including those
of organized force, become necessary conditions for deriving the advantages of social organization” (V. Ostrom, 1982, p. 2). That is undoubtedly introducing a tragic element in human condition.What V. Ostrom calls a “Faustian bargain” is inevitably
ensuing from the “tensions which arise from efforts to give force and effect to words and ideas in structuring human relationships.”

The problem is amplified by the fact that ruled-based order depends on the use of sanctions. That means that social order “not only requires an assigning of authority to those who govern but also requires giving them the right to use coercion.”

Therefore, as social beings, humans are forced to “accept coercion as use of instruments of evil to permit orderly social relationships.” The ubiquity of coercion means that in the final count, order and organization in human societies “depend upon a Faustian bargain where the use of instruments of evil, i.e., sanctions, including those of organized force, become necessary conditions for deriving the advantages of social organization” (V. Ostrom, 1982, p. 2).
在人类社会的终极机构,终极秩序和终极定数都是基于一种浮士德式的契约(协议)而存在的,这这类契约里,对诸如(社会)约束力(包括来自各类社会组织的约束力)的这类邪恶的工具的应用, 能够帮助(某些人)获取/占用社会组织形式的优势或利益。
That is undoubtedly introducing a tragic element in human condition.What V. Ostrom calls a “Faustian bargain” is inevitably ensuing from the “tensions which arise from efforts to give force and effect to words and ideas in structuring human relationships.”
毫无疑问,这样一种悲剧性的元素进入了人类社会。这也就是V. Ostrom所谓的“浮士德的契约”。当人类尽力施予权力,并形成构筑人类关系的语言和理念效应后, 人类关系的紧张状态便随之出现,从而不可避免得最终导致这种“浮士德的契约”。

Tips: 浮士德契约
第1个回答  2011-05-21
第2个回答  2011-05-21
问题是放大了的事实,ruled-based顺序取决于使用的制裁。这就意味着社会秩序”不仅需要一个指定的权威  对那些管理,但是也需要给他们有权使用强迫。”因此,作为社会动物,人类不得不“接受强制比如使用的工具允许有序的社会关系邪恶。”无处不在的强制手段,在最后的统计结果,在人类社会秩序和组织“依靠一种浮士德出卖自我的地方使用的工具,也就是说,邪恶的制裁,包括那些  有组织的力量,成为必要条件,获得了相应的优势的社会化组织”(V。1982年,p》,第92期。2)。那无疑是引入一个悲剧性的元素在人类的情形。v Ostrom什么所谓的“浮士德出卖自我”是不可避免的  随后从“紧张关系的努力而产生的,给生效并在构建人类话语和思想的关系。”