请问英语中where 与there 的区别


    Where 作为疑问词,用来提问;there不能作为疑问词,用作副词,表示“在那里”。

     Where are you going?

     Where did you get it?

    I got it there.


     They had a wonderful time on the beach, where the air was fresh, the water blue and the people happy.

    They had a wonderful time on the beach. There the air was fresh, the water blue and the people happy.  (There 位置,还可以在主语后,或句子末尾)

    Where 可以引导状语/宾语/主语从句; there可以用于自己的特殊句型there be...(表示存在)

    I cannot remember where I put my keys.

    Where you got it is not important any more.

    Please put it back where you found it.

    There are some interesting books.

