美剧里常说的Daddy Issue到底是怎么回事


Daddy issues refer to something of a slang term for the idea of the Electra complex or Bernfield Factor. While Freud developed the term Oedipal Complex, the Electra Complex was pioneered by Carl Jung. Freud continued to use Oedipal Complex to refer to the idea of a child idealizing the different gendered parent to the point of sexual desire, and a desire, at least in part, to get rid of the same sex parent. Such behavior, when exhibited by females, was a desire to “become pregnant by the father and kill the mother,” or alternately, evoked the idea that women entering puberty suffered from “penis envy,” the failure to have a phallus.
第1个回答  2015-04-10
恋父情节,同理有 mommy issue
第2个回答  2015-04-09
关于父亲的问题 轻微恋父
第3个回答  2015-04-09