
1.why not…?

2.used to(do)…?

3.…an hour away from…

4.…offer(someone something)/offer to(do something)

5.…(be)famous for…

6.…a leader in…

7.…(be)covered with…

8.…on a tour of…

1.why not…?
Why not going for a picnic?为什么不去野餐呢?(表建议)
2.used to(do)…?
My father used to be a policeman.我的父亲以前曾经是警察。
3.…an hour away from…
It is an hour away from 7 o'clock.离7点还有一个小时。
4.…offer(someone something)/offer to(do something)
She offer him some money.她向他提供了些资金。
She offer to help him.她主动帮助他。
5.…(be)famous for…
China is famous for the Great Wall.中国因长城而出名。
6.…a leader in…
He is a leader in his team.他在队伍中是领军人物。
7.…(be)covered with…
The desk is coverd with cloth.那张桌子用布覆盖。
8.…on a tour of…
I have been on a tour of the Great Wall in this summer.我今年夏天游了趟长城。
第1个回答  2007-03-02
1.why not get up a little bit earlier?
2.I used to be a teacher.
3.It's about an hour away from my home to my working place.
4.…offer(someone something)/offer to(do something)
5.China is famous for its culture.
7.The playground is covered with whi
第2个回答  2007-03-02
Why not try again?
They used to work more than ten hours a day.
The book mall is an hour away from my home.
The waitress offered me a cup of tea.
No one offered to help him when he was in trouble.
France if famous for its wine.
He is a leader in world peace.
She covered her face with her hands. /The ground is covered with snow.
We went on a tour of the National Park.
第3个回答  2007-03-02
why not wash your shoes yourself?
My father used to drink a lot.
it is about an hour away from my school to my place.
she offered me a job.
wangfei is famous for her beautiful songs
Jodan is a leader in basketball.
The tree is covered with snow
we are on a tour of food.