


satisfied的固定搭配有很多,比如be satisfied with、be satisfied that、feel satisfied、get satisfied等等。下面我将按照不同的语境为大家详细讲解。

1、be satisfied with

这个搭配通常用于表达对于某件事物的满意程度,可以被替换为be happy with或者be pleased with。例如:

I am very satisfied with my new job.我对我的新工作非常满意。She was satisfied with the results.她对结果感到满意。

2、be satisfied that

这个搭配通常用于表示对于某一个事实或者情况的确认和肯定。例如:I am satisfied that you are telling the truth.我相信你说的是实话。

The teacher was satisfied that the students had done their homework.老师很满意学生们完成了作业。

3、feel satisfied

这个搭配通常表示一种主观的感受或者满足感。例如:After finishing the project,we all felt very satisfied.在完成项目后,我们都感到非常满意。I always feel satisfied after a good meal.吃饱饭之后我总是感到满足。

4、get satisfied

这个搭配通常表示一个动作的完成或者达成。例如:After a long day of hiking,we finally got satisfied at the top of the mountain.经过一整天的徒步,我们终于到达了山顶,感到满足。

The athlete got satisfied with his personal best time for the race.这位运动员跑出了个人最好成绩,感到非常满意。

5、beyond satisfied

这个表示超出了对于某件事情的满意程度,或者极为满意。例如:We were beyond satisfied with the service at the restaurant.我们对餐厅的服务非常满意。

The client was beyond satisfied with the quality of the product.这个客户对产品的质量非常满意。

6、satisfied customer

这个搭配通常用来形容一个顾客对于服务或者产品的满意程度。例如:Our goal is to have every customer leave as a satisfied customer.我们的目标是让每一个顾客都满意而归。

A satisfied customer is the best advertisement.一个满意的顾客是最好的广告。

7、not satisfied


I am not satisfied with the service at this restaurant.我对这家餐厅的服务不满意。The customer left feeling unsatisfied with the product.这个顾客离开时对产品感到不满意。
